View readings by class session
Note: Wherever possible, the book citations below reflect the specific editions used in the course.
Books for Purchase
Fallada, Hans. Little Man, What Now? Chicago, IL: Academy Chicago Publishers, 2009. ISBN: 9781933633640. (Kleiner Mann, was nun?)
Allen, William S. The Nazi Seizure of Power. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1989. ISBN: 0140228780.
Levi, Primo. Survival in Auschwitz. New York, NY: Summit Books, 1986. ISBN: 9780671605414.
Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men. Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1993. ISBN: 3498005693.
Fabri, Friedrich. "Bedarf Deutschland des Colonien?/Does Germany Need Colonies?" In Studies in German Thought and History. Edited and translated by E. C. M. Breuning, and M. E. Chamberlain. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1998, pp. 2-177, 179, and 181. ISBN: 9780773483712.
Jünger, Ernst. Storms of Steel. Translated by B. Creighton. New York, NY: Howard Fertig, 1975, pp. 300-319. ISBN: 0865273103. (excerpt)
Remarque, Erich Maria. Chapter 4 in All Quiet on the Western Front. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1987. ISBN: 9780449213940. (excerpt)
Fest, Joachim. The Face of the Third Reicht. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 1999. ISBN: 9780306809156. (excerpt)
Nenno, Nancy. "Femininity, the Primitive, and Modern Urban Space: Josephine Baker in Berlin." In Women in the Metropolis. Gender and Modernity in Weimar Culture. Edited by Katharina Van Ankum. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997, pp. 145-161. ISBN: 9780520204652.
Kershaw, Ian. The "Hitler Myth". New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001. ISBN: 9780192802064.
Koonz, Claudia. Mothers in the Fatherlandt. New York, NY: St. Martin's Griffin, 1988. ISBN: 9780312022563. (excerpt)
Peukert, Detlev. "The Genesis of the Final Solution from the Spirit of Science." In Nazism and German Society. Edited by David Crew. New York, NY: Routledge, 1994. ISBN: 9780415082402.
Spielvogel, Jackson J. Hitler and Nazi Germany: a History. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN: 9780139759963.
Readings by Class Session
Week 1 | ||
1 | Introduction to Class and Requirements: What is "Fascism"?, What is "Nazism"? | |
Week 2 | ||
2 |
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3 | Total War and Total (?) Defeat | |
Week 3 | ||
4 |
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5 |
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Week 4 | ||
6 | Recovery, and Weimar Culture I: Art and the Avant-Garde (Visual Presentation) |
7 | Weimar Culture II: The New Woman Discussion | |
Week 5 | ||
8 | Film: The Blue Angel (Die Blaue Engel) (1930, 107 min.) | |
9 | Countercurrents: Anti-Semitism, Völkisch nationalism (and the Origins of the Nazi Party) | Fest. The Face of the Third Reich. pp. 15-26. (Hitler) |
Week 6 | ||
10 | Discussion Fallada, Hans. Little Man, What Now?1933. | |
Week 7 | ||
11 | The Great Depression and the Polarization of Politics | |
12 | Discussion Allen, William S. The Nazi Seizure of Power. | |
Week 8 | ||
13 | The Nazi Seizure of Power and Gleichschaltung | Fest. The Face of the Third Reich. pp. 27-38. (Hitler) |
14 | National Socialist Propaganda and Aesthetics: The New Mass Media Film: Excerpts from Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will and Olympia Discussion | |
Week 9 | ||
15 | Discussion Allen. Nazi Seizure of Power. | |
16 | The Racial State |
Week 10 | ||
17 | The Rise of the SS State, and Everyday Life under Nazism | |
18 | Outbreak of the Second World War | Fest. pp. 62-67. (Hitler) |
Week 11 | ||
19 | The Course of the War, and the Eastern Front | Begin reading Browning. Ordinary Men. |
20 | Origins of the "Final Solution" and the Machinery of Mass Murder Film Excerpt from Die Ewige Jüde Discussion | |
Week 12 | ||
21 | Discussion Fest, Joachim. The Face of the Third Reich. (Höss) | |
22 | Meeting with Instructor: Review of "Der Brand" (Strategic Bombing) | Read Primo Levi. Survival in Auschwitz. |
Week 13 | ||
23 | The Defeat of Germany and Götterdammerung Discussion | |
24 | "Zero Hour" and Denazification | |
Week 14 | ||
25 | Film: Germany Year Zero. (1947, 78 minutes) or Somewhere in Berlin (Irgendwo in Berlin) (1946, DEFA), 79 minutes. | |
26 | Discussion of Film The Legacy of Nazism in History, Memory and Myth | |
Week 15 | ||
Final Exam |