1 | Deep History and Big Data: Understanding Long-term Global Processes | Reading response due |
2 | Energy, the Standard of Living, and Measuring Economic Growth | Reading response due |
3 | The Tech Boom of the Middle Ages | Reading response due |
4 | Was Malthus Right?—Plague and the Post-Plague Economy | Reading response due |
5 | The Global Crisis of the 17th Century | First book review due Reading response due |
6 | Consumers Everywhere | Topic for the historiographical essay due Reading response due |
7 | The Industrial Revolution | Reading response due |
8 | Empire Building: East and West | Reading response due |
9 | Slavery, the 'Resource Curse' and Inequality in the Contemporary World? Guest speaker: Professor Johan Furie, Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University, South Africa | Second book review due Reading response due |
10 | Divergence: When and Why? | Annotated bibliography for the historiographical essay due and updated for class Reading response due |
11 | No class – Individual meetings to work on projects | |
12 | Class presentations of individual final projects | Final papers due |