1 | Introduction | Viewing Adam's Rib (1949). | |
2 | Women in the Early American Legal System | Kerber, Linda K. No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations of Citizenship. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1999, pp. xix-xxiv and 1-46. ISBN: 9780809073849. Optional Dayton, Cornelia Hughes. "From Godly Rules to Lawerly Habits: Scenes from the New Haven Courtroom," in Women Before the Bar: Gender, Law, and Society in Connecticut, 1639-1789. Chapel Hill, NY: University of North Carolina Press, 1995, pp. 15-68. ISBN: 9780807845615. Hoff, Joan. Law, Gender, and Injustice: A Legal History of U.S. Women. New York, NY: New York University Press, 1994, pp. 1-37. ISBN: 9780814735091. Flexner, Eleanor. Century of Struggle: The Woman's Rights Movement in The United States, rev. ed. Cambridge, UK: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1975, pp. 71-77. ISBN: 9780674106512. Lerner, Gerda. "The Meanings of Seneca Falls: 1848-1998." Dissent 45 (Fall 1998): 35-41. Dayton, Cornelia Hughes. "Taking the Trade: Abortion and Gender Relations in an Eighteenth-Century New England Village." William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 48 (January 1991): 19-49. DuBois, Ellen Carol. "Outgrowing the Compact of the Fathers: Equal Rights, Woman Suffrage, and the United States Constitution." Journal of American History 74 (December 1987): 836-862. | |
3 | Marriage, Consent, and Coercion | Limerick, Patricia Nelson. The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 1987, pp. 280-289. ISBN: 9780393304978. Gordon, Sarah Barringer. The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Change in Nineteenth-Century America. Chapel Hill, NY: University of North Carolina Press, 2001, pp. 1-15 and 119-238. ISBN: 9780807849873. Iverson, Joan. "Feminist Implications of Mormon Polygymy." Feminist Studies 10 (Fall 1984): 505-522. Block, Sharon. "Lines of Color, Sex, and Service: Sexual Coercion in the Early Republic." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber, and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 128-138. ISBN: 9780195121803. Cott, Nancy F. Public Vows: A History of Marriage and The Nation. Cambridge, UK: Harvard University Press, 2001, pp. 77-104. ISBN: 9780674003200. | Reynolds v. United States (1879) Full text of Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145 (1879).
Mormon Church v. United States (1890) |
4 | From Sentiment to Suffrage | Kerber, Linda K. and Jane Sherron DeHart. "The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1820-1880." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 121-124. ISBN: 9780195121803. Clark, Elizabeth B. "'The Sacred Rights of the Weak': Pain, Sympathy, and the Culture of Individual Rights in Antebellum America." The Journal of American History 82 (September 1995): 463-493. DuBois, Ellen Carol. Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, 1848-1869. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1978, pp. 53-78 and 162-202. ISBN: 9780801410437. Basch, Norma. "Reconstructing Female Citizenship: Minor v. Happersett. " In The Constitution, Law, and American Life: Critical Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century Experience. Edited by Donald G. Nieman. Athens, Greece: University of Georgia Press, 1992, pp. 52-66. ISBN: 9780820314037. Thürner, Manuela. "'Better Citizens without the Ballot': American Antisuffrage Women and Their Rationale during the Progressive Era." Journal of Women's History 5 (Spring 1993): 33-60. | Bradwell v. State of Illinois (1872) Minor v. Happersett (1875) |
5 | Dangerous Women at the Turn of the Century | Kerber, Linda K. and Jane Sherron DeHart. "The Many Frontiers of Industrializing America, 1820-1880." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 263-266. ISBN: 9780195121803. Crane, Stephen. Maggie, A Girl of the Streets and Other Short Fiction. New York: Bantam, 1986. (Download a version of this text from Project Gutenberg.) Far, Sui Sin. Mrs. Spring Fragrance and Other Writings, ed. Amy Ling and Annette White-Parks. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1995, selected stories. ISBN: 9780252021336. Mohr, James C. "Abortion in America." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 183-192. ISBN: 9780195121803. Ross, Loretta J. "African-American Women and Abortion, 1800-1970." In Theorizing Black Feminisms: The Visionary Pragmatism of Black Women. Edited by Stanlie M. James and Abena P. A. Busa. New York, NY: Routledge, 1993, pp. 141-159. ISBN: 9780415073363. Leuchtenburg, William E. "Mr. Justice Holmes and Three Generations of Imbeciles." In The Supreme Court Reborn: The Constitutional Revolution in the Age of Roosevelt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995, pp. 3-25. ISBN: 9780195086133. Gould, Stephen J. "Carrie Buck's Daughter." In The Flamingo's Smile: Reflections in Natural History. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1985, pp. 306-318. ISBN: 9780393022285. | Buck v. Bell (1927) Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1905) |
6 | Women and Prison | Lamb, Wally, et al. Couldn't Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters. New York, NY: Harper, 2004, pp. xi-xiii, 1-63, 95-141, 185-209, and 267-349. ISBN: 9780060595371. Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York, NY: Pantheon, 1977, pp. 195-228. ISBN: 9780394499420. Davis, Angela Y. "Racialized Punishment and Prison Abolition." In The Angela Y. Davis Reader. Edited by Joy James. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1998, pp. 96-107. ISBN: 9780631203605. Coyne, Amanda. "The Long Good-bye: Mother's Day in Federal Prison." Harper's 294 (May 1997): 70-74. | |
7 | Protecting Women, Regulating Men | Woloch, Nancy. Muller v. Oregon: A Brief History with Documents (1996). Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1996, pp. 1-150 and 185-189. ISBN: 9780312085865. Gordon, Linda. "What Is 'Welfare'?" In Pitied but not Entitled: Single Mothers and the History of Welfare, 1890-1935. New York, NY: Free Press, 1994, pp. 1-13. ISBN: 9780029124857. Willrich, Michael. "Home Slackers: Men, the State, and Welfare in Modern America." Journal of American History 72 (September 2000): 460-489. | Lochner v. New York (1905) Muller v. Oregon (1908) |
8 | Race, Religion, and Adoption: One Story from Arizona | Gordon, Linda. The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction. Cambridge, UK: Harvard University Press, 2001, pp. tba. ISBN: 9780674005358. Pascoe, Peggy. "Ophelia Paquet, a Tillamook Indian Wife: Miscegenation Laws and the Privileges of Property." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed. Edited by Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 278-283. ISBN: 9780195121803. Kennedy, Randall. "Race, Children, and Custody Battles: The Special Status of Native Americans." In Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity, and Adoption. New York, NY: Pantheon, 2003, pp. 480-518. ISBN: 9780375402555. | New York Foundling Hospital v. Gatti (1906) Full text of New York Foundling Hospital v. Gatti, 203 U.S. 429 (1906). |
9 | Challenging "Jane Crow" | Kerber, Linda K., and Jane Sherron DeHart. "Modern America, 1920-2000." In Women's America: Refocusing the Past. 5th ed. Edited by Linda K. Kerber and Jane Sherron DeHart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp. 373-376. ISBN: 9780195121803. Kerber, Linda K. No Constitutional Right to Be Ladies: Women and the Obligations of Citizenship. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1999, pp. 124-220 and 303-310. ISBN: 9780809073849. Glaspell, Susan. "A Jury of Her Peers." In Lifted Masks and Other Works. Edited by Eric S. Rabkin. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1993, pp. 279-306. ISBN: 9780472095094. Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth. "Admitting Pauli Murray." Journal of Women's History 14 (Summer 2002): 62-67. Rosenberg, Rosalind. "The Conjunction of Race and Gender." Journal of Women's History 14 (Summer 2002): 68-73. Hartmann, Susan M. "Pauli Murray and the 'Juncture of Women's Liberation and Black Liberation.'" Journal of Women's History 14 (Summer 2002): 74-77. Bailey, Beth. "Sexual Revolution(s)." In The Sixties: From Memory to History. Edited by David Farber. Chapel Hill, NY: University of North Carolina Press, 1994, pp. 235-262. ISBN: 9780807821534. Allyn, David. "In Loco Parentis." In Make Love, Not War: The Sexual Revolution, An Unfettered History. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 2000, pp. 93-107. ISBN: 9780316039307. | Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Roe v. Wade (1973) |
10 | Gender, Sexuality, and Disability | Viewing
Philadelphia (1993). | |
11 | Ellen Messer-Davidow | Guest Lecture: Ellen Messer-Davidow, University of Minnesota: "Without Compassion or Comprehension: Why Current Policies Will Erode Conservative Power" Additional Readings Messer-Davidow, Ellen. "Rosenberger v. Rectors and Visitors of the University of Virginia: From Discourse and Dollars to Domination." South Atlantic Quarterly 100 (Fall 2001): 869-895. | |
12 | Feminism and the Legal System, 1970s To The Present | Williams, Patricia. The Alchemy of Race and Rights: Diary of a Mad Law Professor. Cambridge, UK: Harvard University Press, 1992, pp. 1-51, 98-130, and 216-236. ISBN: 9780674014718. Faludi, Susan. "The Naked Citadel." The New Yorker, September 5, 1994, 62-81. Mackinnon, Catharine A. "Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination." In Sexual Harassment: Issues and Answers. Edited by Linda LeMoncheck and James P. Sterba. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 42-49. ISBN: 9780195142990. Schultz, Vicki. "Sex Is the Least of It: Let's Focus Harassment Law on Work, Not Sex." In Sexual Harassment: Issues and Answers. Edited by Linda LeMoncheck and James P. Sterba. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 269-273. ISBN: 9780195142990. Talbot, Margaret. "Men Behaving Badly." New York Times Magazine, October 13, 2002, 52ff. Gavora, Jessica. "Girl Power: Will Feminist Mau-Mauing Kill Title IX Reform?" National Review Online, January 31, 2003. | United States v. Virginia (1996) Full text of the VMI decision in United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996). |
13 | Conclusion | Viewing Erin Brockovich (2000). |