The following table lists readings assigned for selected class sessions.
1 | Welcome and course introduction Evolution of cybermedicine | Slack, Warner V. "Cybermedicine for the Patient." Am J Prev Med 32, no. 5S (2007): S135-S136. |
2 | Industry overview: the future of healthcare | Health Industry Insights. "U.S. Health Industry Provider 2009 Top 10 Predictions: The Changing IT Landscape for Healthcare Providers." December 2008, Report #HI215880. |
3 | Federal policy as a driver for HIT innovation | Blumenthal, D., and J. P. Glaser. "Information Technology Comes to Medicine." N Engl J Med 356, no. 24 (June 14, 2007): 2527-2534. DesRoches, C. M., et al. "Electronic Health Records in Ambulatory Care — A National Survey of Physicians." N Engl J Med 359, no. 1 (July 3, 2008): 50-60. American Health Information Community (AHIC). Minutes of meeting September 23, 2008. (PDF) |
4 | eHRs, pHRs & xHRs! | Gruber, David. "Can Consumers Cure Healthcare?" Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 149 (2009): 74-89. |
7 | From disease management to population health management | Linden, Ariel. "Use of the Pre-Post Method to Measure Cost Savings in Disease Management." Dis Manage Health Outcomes 15, no. 1 (2007): 13-18. Linden, Ariel, and Julia Adler-Milstein. "Medicare Disease Management in Policy Context." Health Care Financing Review 29, no. 3 (2008): 1-11. (PDF) |
9 | Patient power; medical home; patient-centric care | Hawn, Carleen. "Take Two Asprin and Tweet Me in the Morning: How Twitter, Facebook, and Other Social Media are Reshaping Health Care." Health Affairs 28, no. 2 (2009): 361-367. Cohen, Elizabeth. "New in '09: You Won't Go in to See the Doctor.", January 15, 2009. |
11 | Innovation | Nowak, Stan, and Jack Newsom. "Adaptive HealthComm Science™: The Application of Decision Science to Effectively Drive Healthcare Behaviors and Improve Health Outcomes." Silverlink Whitepaper, July 2008. Buchanan, Mark. "Secret Signals." Nature 457 (January 29, 2009) 528-530. ( Sung, Michael, Carl Marci, and Alex (Sandy) Pentland. "Objective Physiological and Behavioral Measures for Identifying and Tracking Depression State in Clinically Depressed Patients." MIT Media Laboratory Technical Report, October 2005. ( |
12 | Entrepreneurs panel | Begley, Sharon. "Why Nonprofits Fund For-Profit Companies Doing Drug Research." Wall Street Journal, January 26, 2007. Senior, Melanie. "Venture Philanthropy: The New Venture Capital?" Start-Up Magazine, March 2007. Nordling, Linda. "Tapping Into Foundations." Bioentrpreneur: Bioe News, March 2007. Winkler, Anne-Laure, and David Finegold. "Giving Patients a Say: How to Work with Patient Advocacy Groups." Nature Biotechnology 26, no. 1 (January 2008): 23-26. ( Winstein, Keith J. "Disease Charities Pursue Cures by Investing in Drug Start-Ups." Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2009. |