Lab 1 | Introduction to fMRI data and analysis (PDF) | Bolar | Solutions (PDF) NeuroLens tutorial:
Lab 2 | fMRI acquisition (PDF - 1.4 MB) | Whitfield-Gabrieli, Triantafyllou | Lab outline (PDF) fMRI scan checklist (PDF) Detailed explanation of fMRI task paradigms (PDF) Software and data (ZIP - 164 MB) |
Lab 3 | The life cycle of medical imaging data (PDF) | Pujol | Presentation (PDF - 4.0 MB) Download 3DSlicer code Lab data (ZIP - 92 MB) 3DSlicer tutorial:
Lab 4 | MRI physics Part I (PDF) Part II (PDF) | Trinatafyllou | Lab data (PDF) Notes, part I (PDF) Notes, part II (PDF) |
Lab 5 | Diffusion weighted imaging workshop (PDF) | Pujol | Presentation (PDF) |
Lab 6 | Statistical analysis of fMRI data Part I (PDF) Part II (PDF) Part III (PDF) Part IV (PDF) | Yendiki | Data for Parts I-III: subject 7 (ZIP – 56.5 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 368 .dcm files.) Data for Part IV: subjects HST1 and HST2 (ZIP – 97.1 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 736 .dcm files.) |