Some of the lecture notes are chapters derived from 1999-2001 course notes written by Dr. Bertrand Delgutte. Chapter 9 was also originally co-authored by Paul Albrecht. These chapters are presented courtesy of the authors and used with permission.
Key to instructors:
JG = Dr. Julie Greenberg
JF = Dr. John Fisher
SW = Dr. William Wells
GC = Dr. Gari Clifford
1 | Data acquisition | JG | Introduction to Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (PDF) Chapter 1: data acquisition (PDF) |
2 | Digital filtering | JG | Chapter 2: digital filters (PDF) |
3 | ECG | Guest: Andrew Reisner, MD | Slides: Introduction to Clinical Electrocardiography (PDF - 1.3 MB) (Courtesy of Andrew Reisner, MD. Used with permission.) ReadingReisner, A. T., G. Clifford, and R. Mark. "The Physiological Basis of the Electrocardiogram." Chapter 1 in Advanced Methods and Tools for ECG Data Analysis. Edited by Clifford, G., F. Azuaje, and P. McSharry. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2006. ISBN: 9781580539661. (PDF) |
4 | DTFT | JG | Chapter 3: Fourier representation of signals and systems (PDF) |
5 | DFT | JG | Chapter 4: the discrete Fourier transform (PDF) |
6 | Sampling revisited | JG | Chapter 5: sampling in time and frequency (PDF) Background ReadingChapter 6: Z-transforms (PDF) (not covered in class, but distributed for completeness) |
7 | Speech signals | JG | Quatieri, T. F. "Production and Classification of Speech Sounds." Chapter 3 in Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001. ISBN: 9780132429429. Chapter 7: the short-time Fourier transform (PDF) |
8 | Speech coding | JG | Chapter 7: the short-time Fourier transform (cont. from prior session) Chapter 8: linear prediction (PDF) |
9 | Image processing I | JG | Chapter 9: image processing (PDF) |
10 | PDFs | JF | Slides for Lec #10 and #11: decision systems (PDF) |
11 | Classification | JF | Slides continued from prior session |
12 | Image processing II | SW | Image processing 2 (PDF) |
13 | Estimating PDFs | JF | Decision systems 2 - density estimation (PDF) |
14 | Segmentation | SW | Introduction to medical image segmentation (PDF - 1.0 MB) |
15 | Image registration I | Guest: Lilla Zöllei | Slides (PDF - 1.3 MB) (Courtesy of Lilla Zöllei. Used with permission.) |
16 | Image registration II | Guest: Lilla Zöllei | Slides (PDF - 2.5 MB) (Courtesy of Lilla Zöllei. Used with permission.) |
17 | Imaging modalities | SW | Medical image modalities (PDF - 1.6 MB) |
18 | Random signals I | JF | Slides for Lec #18 and #19: random signal processing (PDF - 1.5 MB) ReadingChapter 11: random signals – basic properties (PDF) |
19 | Random signals II | JF | Slides continued from prior session ReadingChapter 12: random signals and linear systems (PDF) |
20 | Blind source separation | GC | Lecture slides (PDF - 1.8 MB) ReadingChapter 15: blind source separation (PDF - 1.3 MB) |
21 | MRI | Guest: R. V. Mulkern, PhD Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital Boston | |
22 | Surgical applications | ||
23 | Random signals III | ||
24 | End of term wrap-up | JG |