
1Bone Growth and Development (1 hr.) - Dr. Schiller

Bone Growth; Fracture Healing (1 hr.) - Dr. Schiller
2Infections of Bone/Metabolic Bone Disease (1 hr.) - Dr. Schiller

Histology of Bone; Microscopic Lab (1 hr.) - Dr. Schiller
3Disorders of Growth Plate (1 hr.) - Dr. Olsen

Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissues (1 hr.) - Dr. Krane
4Basic Skeletal Biomechanics (1 hr.) - Dr. Snyder

Biomechanics of Fracture Healing (1 hr.) - Dr. Snyder
5Cartilage Biology and Biomechanics (1 hr.) - Dr. Kim

Biomechanics in Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis (1 hr.) - Dr. Kim
6Rheumatic Diseases (I) (1 hr.) - Dr. Robinson

Rheumatic Diseases (II), SLE, Scleroderma (1 hr.) - Dr. Robinson
7Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1 hr.) - Dr. Anderson

Rheumatic Diseases (III), Vasculitis, Gout (1 hr.) - Dr. Robinson
8Biomechanics Review Session (1 hr.) 
9Muscular Dystrophies/ Inflammatory Myopathies (1 hr.) - Dr. Brown

Mitochondrial Myopathies (1 hr.) - Dr. Johns

Mineral Ion Homeostasis (2 hrs.) - Dr. Potts
10Osteoporosis; Osteomalacia (1 hr.) - Dr. DeMay

Cartilage; Structure Osteoarthritis (1 hr.) - Dr. Mankin

Demonstration: Joint Dissection (30 min.) - Dr. Mankin
Problem set due
 Final Examination (2.5 hrs.)