Week 1 | ||
1 | Introduction to class: Lecture on Surrealism and the friendship of Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí and Frederico García Lorca in the 1920's. Discussion of FilmUn chien andalou. (Un perro andaluz). Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 16 min. 1929. | |
Week 2 | ||
2 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Un chien andalou | |
3 | Discussion of FilmLe charme discret de la bourgeoisie. (El discrete de la burguesía). Directed by Luis Buñuel. Color, 102 min. 1972. | |
Week 3 | ||
4 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie | |
Week 4 | ||
5 | Discussion of FilmLas Hurdes. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 30 min. 1993. | Reading notes for chapters 1–14 for Mi último suspiro due |
6 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Las Hurdes | Due date to pick a film to write about for 10 page paper assignment |
Week 5 | ||
7 | Discussion of FilmLos olvidados. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 80 min. Ultramar Films, 1950. | Reading notes for Chapters 15–17 and part of 18 of Mi último suspiro due to professor by the end of the week |
8 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Los olvidados | Student group report on Los olvidados. |
Week 6 | ||
9 | Discussion of FilmEl ángel exterminador. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 95 min. Producciones Gustavo Alatriste, 1962. | Student group report on El ángel exterminador. |
Week 7 | ||
10 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)El ángel exterminador | |
11 | Discussion of FilmEl. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 82 min. Producciones Tepeyac, 1953. | Reading notes for pp. 280–82 and 239–71 from Mi último suspiro are due at the end of the week. |
Week 8 | ||
12 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)El | Student group report on El. |
13 | Discussion of FilmEnsayo de un crimen. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 89 min. Alianza Cinematográfica Española, 1955. | |
Week 9 | ||
14 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Ensayo de un crimen | Student group report on Ensayo de un crimen. |
15 | Discussion of FilmNazarin. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 94 min. Producciones Barbachano Ponce, 1959. | |
Week 10 | ||
16 | Discussion oF Film, (cont.)NazarinSimon del desierto. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 43 min. Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Producción Cinematográfica (STPC), 1965. | Student group report on Nazarín. |
17 | WatchViridiana. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Black and White, 90 min. Unión Industrial Cinematográfica (UNINCI), Gustavo Alatriste, Films 59, 1961. | |
Week 11 | ||
18 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Viridiana. | Student group report on Viridiana. |
19 | Watch"Journal d'une Femme de Chambre. (Diario de una camarera/ Diary of a Chambermaid.) Directed by Benoît Jacquot. Color, 96 min. Les Films du Lendemain, JPG Productions, Les Films du Fleuve, 2015. | |
Week 12 | ||
20 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Journal d'une Femme de Chambre. | |
21 | WatchTristana. Directed by Luis Buñuel. Color, 95 min. Época Films, Talía Films, Selenia Cinematografica, 1970. | |
Week 13 | ||
22 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Tristana. | |
23 | Buñuel's last film Cet obscure objet du désir(Ese oscuro objeto del deseo.) Directed by Luis Buñuel. Color, 102 min. Greenwich Film Productions, Les Films Galaxie, In-Cine Compañía Industrial Cinematográfica, 1977. | |
Week 14 | ||
24 | Discussion of Film, (cont.)Ese oscuro objeto del deseo. | |
25 | Individual oral reports on topics of 10-page papers | |
Week 15 | ||
26 & 27 | Individual oral reports on topics of 10-page papers, (cont.) | 10-page paper due at the end of the semester. |