- Four comprehensive hour-long written tests each focus on two successive chapters of the textbook. There is no final written exam. Each test allows the students to determine how well they are doing in the following five areas:
- Listening comprehension: dictation based on familiar material to test precise listening skills; aural questions to which students write an appropriate response.
- Grammatical structures: transformation, completion, construction of sentences.
- Vocabulary: appropriate use of vocabulary in context.
- Understanding of cultural themes, current issues, and historical contexts.
- Written composition based on various aspects of chapter content: written dialogue, comment, short description, narration, explanation, interpretation.
- Frequent vocabulary quizzes based on the two "Wortschatzlisten" for each chapter of the textbook provide students with a regular check on material to be memorized. Emphasis is on correct and appropriate use of vocabulary in context in German. Students practice vocabulary using synonyms, antonyms, word associations, word families and semantic fields.
- Five-minute oral presentation of an area of particular personal interest and experience. Students prepare an outline for the presentation and speak from their notes without reading. Evaluation is on the basis of clarity, structure, idiomatic use of language, delivery, interest-level of content.