1 | 1 | Introduction |
1 | 2 | Culture & communication: Patterns and variables (1) | 1. Read Hall & Hall pp. 3–31 2. Watch Boroditsky |
2 | 3 | Culture & communication: Patterns and variables (2) | 1. Read Stewart & Bennett pp. 17–44 2. Watch Gillette “Me Too” ad 3. Read Guardian article on ad | Written response #1 |
2 | 4 | Communicating your cultural identity | 1. Watch Iyer, “Where is Home?” 2. Read Brooks NYT article 3. Read Dillard pp. 147–149 4. Read Stewart & Bennett pp. 100–102 | Oral response #1 |
3 | [Tuesday] | No class |
3 | 5 | Anglo-American communication culture: General communication workshop #1 | 1. Read McWhorter 2. Read Stewart & Bennett pp. 89–99 3. Study Graff & Birkenstein pp. 163–165 4. Study course workbook part 1 | Written response #2 |
4 | 6 | Anglo-American communication culture: Higher ed | 1. Read Dorn interview 2. Read Schiappa & Nordin pp. 6–23 3. Read Tannen pp. 214–220 |
4 | 7 | Communication workshop #2: Peer review of education memoirs | 1. Watch MIT video on peer review: “No One Writes Alone” 2. Study course workbook part 2 | Educational memoir: First version |
5 | 8 | Anglo-American communication culture: Professional | 1. Explore MIT GE/CD site on the job search 2. Explore Lynda.com on job interviews 3. Watch video on small talk |
5 | 9 | Role of geography and history in shaping American communication patterns (1) | 1. Read Woodard pp. 1–19 & study map of American Nations 2. Read Gonick pp. 1–77 | Written response # 3 |
6 | 10 | Role of geography and history (2) | 1. Read Miller, How Geography Explains the US 2. Study graphic: the Pew Research Center’s “5 Ways Americans and Europeans are Different” 3. Read Gonick pp. 93–179 |
6 | 11 | Communication workshop #3: Introduction to team project proposals | Study course workbook part 3 | Educational memoir: Final version and earlier version |
7 | 12 | Role of geography and history (3) | Read Gonick pp. 183–274 | Written response #4 |
7 | 13 | No class | Watch Yates film: Breaking Away |
8 | [Tuesday] | No class |
8 | [Thursday] | No class |
9 | 14 | Role of geography and history (4) | 1. Read Jouet pp. 43–62 2. Read Gonick, pp. 273–377 | Written response #5 |
9 | 15 | Communication workshop #4: Peer review + team project | Scan final project assignment | Memo: Cultural film analysis of Breaking Away |
10 | 16 | Religion and American communication | 1. Read Wuthnow pp. 275–305 2. Read Gordon-Reed & Onuf 3. Read Kruse |
10 | 17 | Language as a reflection of core values | 1. Read Adjei-Brenyah pp. 104–114 2. Read Brooks 3. Read Marshall | Written response #6 |
11 | [Tuesday] | No class |
11 | 18 | Popular culture: Music Guest: Martin Marks | Read Bayles, pp. 19–28 | White paper proposal and annotated bibliography: Draft #1 |
12 | 19 | Popular culture: Sports | 1. Read Deresiewicz 2. Read Macri 3. Examine site: Sports Metaphors |
12 | 20 | Popular culture: TV | 1. Read Bayles 2. Read Katz | Oral response #2 |
13 | 21 | Team meetings |
| White paper proposal and annotated bibliography: Final draft and tentative outline |
13 | 22 | Communication workshop #5: Formal presentations | Study course workbook part 4 |
14 | 23 | U.S. communication culture for newcomers: Team rehearsals |
| Prepare for team rehearsals: Final outline and hard copy of slides due (4/page) |
14 | 24 | Presentations Group I |
| Final dossiers (all drafts of proposal, bibliography, outline, and slides) due at time of presentation |
15 | 25 | Presentations Group II |
| Final dossiers (all drafts of proposal, bibliography, outline, and slides) due at time of presentation Group I white papers due |
15 | 26 | Course overview via student interests |
| Group II white papers due |