30 | - Complete Lingt Speaking Assignment Seven before the class.
- Preview [PC] Lesson 7:
- Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage." on pp. 130–33.
- Study the Vocabulary on pp. 120–22 (listen to the audio file). Learn the Lesson 7 required characters by heart (check Appendix III on pp. 249–79 for character stroke order). Make sure you know the other Lesson 7 characters by sight.
- Read the text on pp. 123–24 (listen to the audio file). Write on your book the answers to the questions in the exercises on pp. 125–27.
- Read the Dialogue on p. 128 (listen to the audio file), and study "Expressions on Travel" on pp. 142–43 (listen to the audio file.)
| - [PC] Lesson 7, Vocabulary quiz on characters.
- [PC] Lesson 7 text.
- Lesson 7 dialogue.
31 | - Writing assignments:
- [PC] Handwrite a sentence for each of the entries in "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage" on pp. 132–33.
Handwrite an essay of no less than 180 characters about a historical site, a building, a subway system, a theatre, etc. You may use English for proper nouns. Be sure to include when, where, how, and why it was built, its historical significance and its impact today. Pay special attention to cohesiveness. (cf. Understanding the Text Structure on pp. 126–27). - If you want to use a word you know how to say it but do not know how to write it, try Appendices I, II on pp. 209–48, or use a dictionary. If you don't have a dictionary, type in Pinyin for the "Search Dictionary" section at at Zhongwen Zipu at this website, or use an on-line dictionary listed in the Tools and Resources section.
| - Hand in your writing assignments.
- [PC] Lesson 7 grammar.
- [PC] Lesson 7 exercises on pp. 134–41.
32 | - Complete Lingt Speaking Assignment Eight before the class.
- Preview [PC] Lesson 8:
- Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage" on pp. 155–58.
- Study the Vocabulary on pp. 146–48 (listen to the audio file). Make sure you know the other Lesson 8 characters by sight.
- Read the Text on pp. 150–51 (listen to the audio file). Write on your book the answer to the questions in the exercises on pp. 151–52.
- Read Dialogue 1–2 on pp. 153–54 (listen to the audio file), and study "Expressions Campus Life" on pp. 164–65 (listen to the audio file).
- Study Lesson 7 Required Characters.
| - Quiz: Dictation of [PC] Lesson 7 required characters.
- Vocabulary quiz on [PC] Lesson 8 characters.
- [PC] Lesson 8 text.
- [PC] Lesson 8 dialogue.
33 | - Writing assignments:
- Handwrite a sentence for each of the entries in "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage" on pp. 157–58 on a piece of paper and hand them in in class.
- Handwrite an essay of no less than 180 characters entitled "Chénggōng"(Success). Be sure to define "success" in your own terms, and explain how you think one can become successful. Pay special attention to the over-all structure.
| - Hand in your writing assignments.
- [PC] Lesson 8 grammar.
- [PC] Lesson 8 exercise on pp. 159–63.
34 | - Prepare a 3-minute presentation in Chinese on historical Sites and modern constructions. You should include where it is, when it was built, any interesting facts or stories of this site or construction etc.) Examples include:
- 北京鸟巢/北京鳥巢 / niǎocháo
- 长江三峡⼤水坝 / 長江三峽大⽔壩 / chángjiāngsānxiá dàshuǐbà
中国国家⼤剧院 / 中國國 家大劇院 / zhōngguó guójiā dà jùyuàn Powerpoint slides are required. It does not have to be artsy or overly loaded with details, but provide important information. Use all kinds of resources, internet, your parents, and your friends. - Study Lesson 8 required characters
- You should start thinking about your end-of-term essay.
| - Quiz: Dictation of [PC] Lesson 8 required characters.
- 3-minute presentation from students.
35 | Review [PC] Lessons 7–8. Make sure you can reproduce the required characters in these two lessons from memory and recognize the other characters by sight. Review the grammatical points, sentences patterns and word usage, and exercises. | Test 6 (50 minutes; on Lessons 7-8). |
36 | - Complete Lingt Speaking Assignment Nine on the course website before the class.
- Preview [PC] Lesson 9:
- Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage" on pp. 175–77.
- Study the Vocabulary on pp. 168–70 (listen to the audio file). Make sure you know the other Lesson 9 characters by sight.
- Read the Text on pp. 171–72 (listen to the audio file). Write on your book the answers to the questions in the exercises on pp. 172–73.
- Read the Dialogue on p. 174 (listen to the audio file), and study "Expressions on Asking for Directions" on p. 182 (listen to the audio file.)
- Work on your end-of-term essay
| - [PC] Lesson 9 text.
- [PC] Lesson 9 dialogue.
37 | - Complete Lingt Speaking Assignment Ten before the class.
- Preview [PC] Lesson 10:
- Read "Grammatical Points" and "Sentence Patterns and Word Usage" on pp. 193–96.
- Study the Vocabulary on pp. 184–87 (listen to the audio file). Make sure you know the other Lesson 10 characters by sight.
- Read the Text on pp. 188–89 (listen to the audio file). Write on your book the answers to the questions in the exercises on pp. 188–89.
- Read the Dialogue on p. 191 (listen to the audio file), and study "Expressions Shopping" on p. 204 (listen to the audio file.)
| - [PC] Lesson 10 text.
- [PC] Lesson 10 dialogue.
- Bring your laptop or other electronic devices to do the course evaluation in class.
38 | Work on your end-of-term essay. No other writing assignments. | - [PC] Lesson 10 grammar and exercises on pp. 197–203.
- In-class activities.
- Hand in your end-of- term essay if you are done.