1 | Culture and Globalization Lecture: Introduction to Culture and Globalization/Goals of the Course | Film: First Contact (in Class, 55 min.) and Discussion. |
2 | A Pre-History of Globalization: Guns, Germs, and Steel | Greider, William. "The Real Cancun: WTO Heads Nowhere." In The Nation. Sept. 22, 2003. pp. 11-20. Film: Trobriand Cricket (50 min.) and Discussion. |
3 | Cultural Activism and Minority Claims | "Introduction." In Ginsburg, Faye, Lila Abu-Lughod and Brian Larkin, Editors. Media Worlds. University of California Press, 2002. Film: Kayapo: Out of the Forest. |
4 | Hip-Hop as Cultural Movement | Eshun, Kodwo. "Sampladelia of the Breakbeat." In More Brilliant than the Sun: Adventures in Sonic Fiction. London: Quartet Books Ltd., 1998. pp. 25-61. George, Nelson. "Capitalist Tool." In Hip-Hop America. NY: Penguin, 1998. Mitchell, Tony. "Introduction: Another Root-Hip-Hop Outside USA." In Global Noise. Wesleyan University Press, 2002. |
5 | Hip-Hop in Japan | Condry, Ian. "Introduction." Chapter 1 in Japanese Hip-Hop (forthcoming) (Book Manuscript) (PDF) ———. "Race: Black Culture, Yellow B-Boys and the Elvis Effect." Chapter 2 in Japanese Hip-Hop. ———. "A History of Japanese Rap Music: Street Dance, Club Music, Pop Market." In Global Noise. |
6 | Hip-Hop in Europe and the Islamic Connection | Prevos, Andre J. M. "Postcolonial Popular Music in France." In Global Noise. pp. 39 - 56. Or, if no Presentation, Film: La Haine (Hate). |
7 | Lessons from Hip-Hop | Morelli, Sarah. "Who is Dancing Hero." In Global Noise. (Korea) Film: Documentary About International Hip-Hop. |
8 | Coolhunters: Who's Got it? | Gladwell, Malcolm. "The Coolhunters." In New Yorker Magazine. March 17, 1997. Shakar, Alex. The Savage Girl. Perennial Publishers, 2002. Davila, Arlene. "Culture in the Ad World: Producing the Latin Look." In Media Worlds. |
9 | No Logo | Klein, Naomi. "Introduction." In No Logo. Picador USA, 1999, pp. xiii-xxi. |
10 | "Music Wants to be Free": MP3, P2P - Anarchy or Activism? | Jenkins, Henry. "Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Digital Cinema, Media Convergence, and Participatory Culture." In Rethinking Media Change: The Aesthetics of Transition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. Vaidhyanathan, Siva. "The Anarchist in the Library." 2002. Condry. "The Digital Revolution in Music." (Forthcoming) |
11 | Television Nations | Abu-Lughod, Lila. "Egyptian Melodrama." In Media Worlds. Mankekar, Purnima. "Epic Contests." In Media Worlds. (India) Wilk, Richard. "Television, Time, and National Imaginary." In Media Worlds. (Belize) |
12 | Transnational Media | Mandel, Ruth. "Marshall Plan of the Mind." In Media Worlds. (Kazakhstan) Schein, Louisa. "Mapping Hmong Media..." In Media Worlds. Ganti, Tejaswini. "And Yet My Heart is Still Indian." In Media Worlds. |
13 | Globalization as the End of Culture? | Iwabuchi, Koichi. "Becoming Culturally Proximate: Japanese TV Dramas in Taiwan." Chapter 4 in Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002. pp. 121-157. |
14 | Conclusions and the Future of Globalization | Web Sites or Supplementary Material Based on Student Presentations and the Question for the In-class Discussion |