The assigned readings are from:
McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. Scribner, 2004. ISBN: 9780684800011.
1 | Guacamole, salsa, and quesadillas | Recipes: Guacamole (PDF), Salsa (PDF) From the text: pp. 276-277, 310-12, 337, 352-3, 383, 407, 418-421, and 481,548. Research Articles: The first two were picked as examples of current research on avocados and peppers. For your perspective, the introductions and the discussions are the most interesting part of the papers, so focus on those two sections. The third paper describes how a mouse without the capsicum receptor was made. And the fourth is the original paper that describes the Scoville test. - Ashton, O. B. O., M. Wong, T. K. McGhie, R. Vather, Y. Wang, C. Requejo-Jackman, P. Ramankutt, and A. B. Woolf. "Pigments in Avocado Tissue and Oil." J Agric Food Chem 54 (2006): 10151-8. - Garcés-Claver, A., M. S. Arnedo-Andrés, J. Abadía, R. Gil-Ortega, and A. Alvarez-Fernández. "Determination of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in Capsicum Fruits by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry." J Agric Food Chem 54 (2006): 9303-11. - Caterina, M. J., et al. "Impaired Nociception and Pain Sensation in Mice Lacking the Capsaicin Receptor." Science 288 (2000): 306-13. - Scoville, W. L. "A Note on Capsicums." J Am Pharmacists Assoc 1 (1912): 453-4. |
2 | Cookie - Death by chocolate | Recipe: "Death by Chocolate" Cookies (PDF) From the text: pp. 694-712, 430-433, 647-52, 674-675, and 533-34. Research Articles: - Matsui, N., et al. "Ingested Cocoa can Prevent High-fat Diet-induced Obesity by Regulating the Expression of Genes for Fatty Acid Metabolism." Nutrition 21 (2005): 594-601. - Rezzi, S., et al. "Human Metabolic Phenotypes Link Directly to Specific Dietary Preferences in Healthy Individuals." J Proteome Res 6 (2007): 4469-77. |
3 | Pancakes | Recipe: Buttermilk Pancakes (PDF) From the text: pp. 553-54, 46-50, 551, and 668-69. |
4 | Bread | Recipe: Challah (Braided Bread) (PDF) From the text: pp. 515-550. Research Articles on Bread: - A Kansas State researcher has identified what makes gluten: Tilley, K. A., R. E. Benjamin, K. E. Bagorogoza, B. M. Okot-Kotber, O. Prakash, and H. Kwen. "Tyrosine Cross-Links: Molecular Basis of Gluten Structure and Function." J Agric Food Chem 49 (2001): 2627-32. - A good review article on gluten: Shewry, P. R., A. S. Thatham, F. Barro, P. Barcelo, and P. Lazzeri. "Biotechnology of Breadmaking: Unraveling and Manipulating the Multi-Protein Gluten Complex." Biotechnology 13 (1995): 1185-90. - Take a look at this paper's introduction. It's a very detailed paper about wheat protein: Veraverbeke, W. S. and J. A. Delcour. "Wheat Protein Composition and Properties of Wheat Glutenin in Relation to Breadmaking Functionality." Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 42 (2002): 179-208. Research Article on Salt: - We will be having a salt tasting, so here is an example of a research paper on that topic: Condrasky, M. D. "Preference for Salts in Cooking as Perceived by Sensory Panelists." J of Foodservice 17 (2006): 166-72. |
5 | Scones and coffee | Recipe: Scottish Raisin Scones (PDF) From the text: pp. 549-50, 386-87, and 433-41. Research Articles: Looking at the flavor profile of coffee beans, two papers – one that looks at identifying over 65 volatile compounds, and another which develops model to test for the presence of these volatile compounds. The third paper looks at the identification of the compound which causes coffee to become stale. - Mondello, L., et al. "Reliable Characterization of Coffee Bean Aroma Profiles by Automated Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction-gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry with the Support of a Dual-filter Mass Spectra Library." J Sep Sci 28 (2005): 1101-9. - Müller, C., R. Land, and T. Hofmann. "Quantitative Precursor Studies on Di- and Trihydroxybenzene Formation During Coffee Roasting Using 'In Bean' Model Experiments and Stable Isotope Dilution Analysis." J Agric Food Chem 54 (2006): 10086-91. - Müller, C., S. Hemmersbach, G. van't Slot, and T. Hofmann. "Synthesis and Structure Determination of Covalent Conjugates Formed from the Sulfury-Roasty-Smelling 2-Furfurylthiol and Di- or Trihydroxybenzenes and Their Identification in Coffee Brew." J Agric Food Chem 54 (2006): 10076-85. |
6 | Meringues | Recipe: Mile-High Lemon Meringue Tarts (PDF) From the text: pp. 100-109. |
7 | Jams and Jellies | Recipe: Jam (PDF) From the text: pp. 296, 605-614. |
8 | Three bean chili and cornbread | Recipe: Three Bean Chili (PDF) From the text: pp. 327-328, 314-315, 309, 483-501. Research Articles: - Effects of beets and asparagus on body waste. Mitchell, S. C. "Food Idiosyncracies: Beetroot and Asparagus." Drug Metabolism and Disposition 29 (2001): 539-43. - Medical study on gas identification of flatus. Suarez, F. L., J. Springfield, and M. D. Levitt. "Identification of Gases Responsible for the Odour of Human Flatus and Evaluation of Device Purported to Reduce this Odour." Gut 43 (1998): 100-104. |
9 | Cheese | Recipe: Lemon Cheese (PDF) From the text: pp. 51-67. |
10 | Molecular gastronomy | Recipes: Cola Caviar and Spherical Mango Gnocchi (PDF) Additional Readings |
11 | Wacky cake | Recipe: Wacky Cake (PDF) Find the parts in the book relevant to today's recipe! |
12 | Ice cream | Recipe: Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream (PDF) From the text: pp. 39-44. Research Articles: - Hekmat, S., and D. J. McMahon. "Survival of Lactobacillus Acidopholus and Bifidobacterium Bifidum in Ice Cream for Use as Probiotic Food." J Dairy Sci 75 (1992): 1415-22. - Goff, H. D., K. B. Caldwell, and D. W. Stanley. "The Influence of Polysaccharides on the Glass Transition in Frozen Sucrose Solutions and Ice Cream." J Dairy Sci 76 (1993): 1268-77. - Goff, H. D. "Colloidal Aspects of Ice Cream - A Review." International Diary Journal 7 (1997): 363-73. |
13 | Peer teaching | You are the teacher this week. You need to bring 1-3 friends to class to teach them some chemical/cooking principle. You can teach them one of the "experiments" we did in class, or pick one of your favorite recipes. The purpose of the class is to get your student(s) to think about cooking from a scientific point of view. Feel free to assign your student reading assignments, either in the book or on the Web. |
14 | Meatballs and spaghetti | Recipes: Meatballs (PDF), Marinara Sauce (PDF), and Creme Brulee (PDF) From the text: pp. 571-577, 623-24, and 677-787. |