1 | ICT Survey for Zambia Ngah, Zainab Awang, Ang Tan Fong, and Abrizah Abdullah. "E-Journal Publishing in Malaysia: from single journal system to publishing through a host." Information Development 21, no. 4, 319 (February 2005) 53 - 65. DOI: 10.1177/0266666905060927. 2005 SAGE Publications. |
2 | Case Studies, Executive Summary (not available to OCW users) Tips for Oral Presentation by Staff of 21G.034 (PDF) |
3 | Larson, Richard C., and M. Elizabeth Murray. "Distance Learning as a Tool for Poverty Reduction: A Focus on Two Countries, China and Mexico." Submitted as a Working Draft through the Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC). Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2005. |
4 | Del Alamo, J., et al. "iLab: A Scalable Architecture for Sharing Online Experiments." International Conference on Engineering Education. Gainesville, FL, October 16-21, 2004. |
5 | Adeyemi, A study on the use of Information Systems to prevent HIV/AIDS in Lagos |
6 | Grading Rubric - Written Assignments by Course Staff for 21G.034 (PDF) Grameen Bank: Taking Capitalism to the poor ( ![]() |
7 | First Draft of National Information and Communication Technology Policy for Zambia |