Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session
Recitations: 2 sessions / week, 1 hour / session.
Course Description
The course examines optical and electronic processes in organic molecules and polymers that govern the behavior of practical organic optoelectronic devices. Electronic structure of a single organic molecule is used as a guide to the electronic behavior of organic aggregate structures. Emphasis is placed on the use of organic thin films in active organic devices including organic LEDs, solar cells, photodetectors, transistors, chemical sensors, memory cells, electrochromic devices, as well as xerography and organic non-linear optics. How to reach the ultimate miniaturization limit of molecular electronics and related nanoscale patterning techniques of organic materials will also be discussed. The class encompasses three laboratory sessions during which the students will practice the use of select vacuum and non-vacuum organic deposition techniques by making their own active organic devices.
50% Based on the Final Project
The final project will consist of a critical review of a recently published article in the field covered by the course. The article will be selected in mid-March in consultation with the instructor. A final project report and an in-class presentation are expected during the last week of the semester.
30% Based on the Laboratory
There are three laboratory sessions scheduled (see calendar). The laboratory is expected to be a hands-on experience complementing lectures and designed to reinforce concepts covered in the class. Prior to attending the lab, students should familiarize themselves with the laboratory handouts. The handouts will outline the steps of the lab and pose questions to be discussed in the lab-report. The laboratory grade will be based primarily on the lab-report. The report is expected to analyze the results obtained during the laboratory session and suggest improvements to the performed work.
20% Based on the Recitation Participation
Beyond the knowledge gained in lectures, the goal of this seminar course is to excite, enlighten, and stimulate your thinking through discussion and debate. You should become critical thinkers, ones able to insightfully question an imprecise field such as organic optoelectronics. Recitations are designed to get you talking. During a typical recitation we will debate merits and shortfalls of one or two recent science articles. Your participation earns you the grade.