Student Presentation Videos
In addition to each team's section, complete versions of the Mid-Semester Presentations and Final Presentations videos including a searchable transcript are available.
Team Paul | An attachment to enable a user with forearm crutches to carry coffee without spilling. | Team Paul's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:20:30) | Team Paul's Final Presentation (00:12:23) |
Team Margaret | A call-button app which allows users to request urgent or non-urgent assistance from their iPad. | Team Margaret's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:24:28) | Team Margaret's Final Presentation (00:13:21) |
Team Kate | Covers for cochlear implants to protect from rain and improve hearing. | Team Kate's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:17:12) | Team Kate's Final Presentation (00:15:34) |
Team Jeffrey | A framework to allow a blind client to sign legal documents in ink. | Team Jeffrey's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:17:22) | Team Jeffrey's Final Presentation (00:13:10) |
Team Beverley-Ann | A glove to alert a user when her grip is slipping. | Team Beverley-Ann's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:16:42) Mid-Semester Presentations (Beverley-Ann) > Download from iTunes U (MP4 - 410MB) > Download from Internet Archive (MP4 - 410MB) | Team Beverley-Ann's Final Presentation (00:13:47) |
Team Barbara | A text-to-speech app for a user with difficulty speaking. | Team Barbara's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:16:10) | Team Barbara's Final Presentation (00:14:31) |
Team Art | Mobile, compact wheelchair lift. | Team Art's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:17:35) | Team Art's Final Presentation (00:13:30) |
Team Chris | App to assist a wheelchair-bound client reliably and efficiently navigate a college campus. | Team Chris's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:13:16) | Team Chris's Final Presentation (00:10:18) |
Team Felicity | Device to alert hearing- and sight-impaired client when someone requests their attention. | Team Felicity's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:19:03) | Team Felicity's Final Presentation (00:12:55) |
Team Don | App to remind client with memory loss of pending tasks. | Team Don's Mid-Semester Presentation (00:21:07) | Team Don's Final Presentation (00:15:28) |
Note: Some teams changed projects between the mid-semester and final presentations.
Mid-semester Presentations Guidelines
Each team will give a 15-minute presentation to share its work with the rest of the class. Signups will be arranged in class. We will have an expert design review panel, who will attend each presentation and give feedback.
We are allowing friends of the course to attend our mid-semester presentations -- this is a public event. The attendees understand that your projects are currently in their mid-stages. You may wish to be discreet about certain kinds of personal information about your client, or to blur photos.
- Please remember to only refer to clients by their first name.
- You may wish to show your team's project video during the presentation.
- We encourage all of your team member's to have a speaking role during the presentation.
In addition to the presentation, you should upload your slides or other presentation materials.
Presentation Contents
Your presentation need not be highly formal, but it must cover each aspect of what your team has accomplished so far. We recommend a length of 12-15 minutes; we will stop you at exactly 15 minutes.We recommend the following structure:
- Introduce yourselves.
- Contextual Inquiry (45 minutes): Describe your client and his/her abilities, disabilities and activity goals. Use the HAAT model. Present the qualitative and quantitative success metrics that you chose. This section should correspond to Section 1 of the Mid-Semester Report.
- Project Organization and Progress (~45 minutes): Show early sketches, mockups, or prototypes and your client's reactions to them. Describe your iterative design process to date and how you've narrowed down ideas and the resources (facilities, people) you've made contact with so far. This section should correspond to Section 2 of the Mid-Semester Report.
- Project Plans (~34 minutes): Describe your timeline for the rest of the semester and each team member's past and future contributions and roles.
Teams will be evaluated primarily on the quality of their contextual inquiries, ideas, and plans, but also on their presentation contents and style and their ability to answer questions. The panelists' feedback will also contribute to the grading.
As audience members, each student in the class should also be prepared to ask good questions and provide constructive suggestions.
Each team will receive written feedback about their presentation, along with a letter grade, the week after the panels.
Final Presentations Guidelines
Each team will give a 9-minute presentation. As per the course syllabus, the end of semester presentation is 10% of the final grade.
Presentation Guideline
- Introduce your client and the assistive technology challenge.
- Briefly show/describe your earlier prototypes and the evaluation results of your experiments.
- Describe/demonstrate your final prototype and how it performed, according to your experiments and success metrics.
- Describe what you learned as a team about assistive technology design and engineering and from your client.