1 | General Introduction Estimating Image Motion Field Pinhole Camera Model |
Assignment 1 out |
2 | General Introduction (cont.) Lambertian Surfaces Image Motion in 2D |
3 | Image Motion in 2D (cont.) Constant Brightness Equation |
Assignment 1 due |
4 | Constant Brightness Equation (cont.) Binocular Stereo Reflectance map: Image Formation, Surface Reflectance, Surface Orientation |
5 | Photometric Stereo Brightness Distribution Function (BRDF) |
Assignment 2 out |
6 | Shape from Shading | |
7 | Shape from Shading (cont.) Shape from Gradient |
8 | Shape from Gradient (cont.) | Assignment 2 due |
9 | Binary Image Processing Methods and Applications |
Assignment 3 out |
10 | Binary Image Processing (cont.) | |
11 | Binary Image Processing (cont.) | Assignment 3 due |
12 | Binary Image Processing (cont.) | |
13 | Binary Image Processing (cont.) | Quiz 1 out |
14 | The Euler Equations and their Applications | |
15 | Optical Flow | Quiz 1 due |
16 | Optical Flow (cont.) Motion Vision |
17 | Optical Flow (cont.) Motion Field |
Assignment 4 out |
18 | Optical Flow (cont.) Direct Motion Vision |
Assignment 4 due |
19 | Optical Flow (cont.) | |
20 | Extended Gaussian Images Geometry |
Assignment 5 out |
21 | Extended Gaussian Images (cont.) Tessellation Platonic solids |
Assignment 5 due |
22 | Extended Gaussian Images (cont.) Quaternions Operations on EGIs |
23 | Photogrammetry Absolute Orientation Exterior Orientation Interior Orientation |
Quiz 2 out |
24 | Photogrammetry (cont.) Relative Orientation |
25 | Parallel Networks How to Process Images Efficiently |
Quiz 2 due |