This section shows the set of readings for each lab, which are to be read before class. The readings are from the required textbook: Stevens, K. N. Acoustic Phonetics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999. ISBN: 9780262194044.
A. Introduction | |||
L1 | Organization; The Speech Chain Recording Speech in a Sound-Treated Room; Acoustic Theory; SPL; dB Digitizing, Waveform Editing and Spectral Analysis by Computer; Sampling Theorem, Waveform Windowing | Lab 1: Recording Speech in a Sound-Treated Room, Spectral Analysis and Waveform Editing by Computer | |
B. Acoustic Analysis of Vowels and Consonants | |||
L2 | Broadband Spectral Analysis of English Vowels; Vocal Tract Transfer Functions for Vowels; Nasalization of Vowels | Lab 2: Spectrographic and Spectrum Analysis of the English Vowel System | Chapters 3 and 6 |
L3 | Broadband Spectral Analysis of Sonorant English Consonants: Nasals, Liquids, Glides; Sound Sources and Transfer Functions for Consonants | Lab 3: Broadband Spectral Analysis of Sonorant Consonants | Chapter 9 |
L4 | Sound Generation from Turbulence in the Vocal Tract; Spectral Analysis of Fricative and Stop Consonants; Frication Noise and Aspiration Noise | Lab 4: Spectral Analysis of Stop and Fricative Consonants | Chapters 7 and 8 |
L5 | Sound Generation at the Larynx; Inverse Filtering and Spectrum of Glottal Source; Effect of Glottal Source on Spectra of Vowels | Lab 5: Sound Generation at the Larynx: Characteristics of the Glottal Source | Chapter 2 |
C. Speech Movements, Airflow | |||
L6 | Anatomy/Physiology of Speech Production Apparatus | Chapter 1 | |
L7 | Interpretation of Cineradiographic Motion Pictures Studies of Speech Movements for Vowels and Consonants | Lab 6: Interpretation of Cineradiographic Motion Pictures | Chapter 1 |
L8 | Further Discussion of Speech Movements Measuring Speech Movements using Data from X-ray Microbeam Systems | Lab 7: Measuring Speech Movements using Data from X-ray Microbeam Systems | |
D. Quantal Theory and Features | |||
L9 | Quantal Nature of Articulatory-to Acoustic Relations; Quantal Theory for Consonant Place of Articulation and for Vowels | Lab 8: Formant Frequency Calculations from Area Function Data | |
E. Sentence-level Phenomena | |||
L10 | Respiration for Speech; Initiation and Termination of Utterances; Techniques for Measuring Respiration during Speech | Lab 9: Techniques for Measuring Respiration during Speech | |
L11 | Some Reduction and Assimilation Phenomena in Fluent Speech; Effects of Stress | Lab 10: Sound Segment Reduction | Chapter 10 |
L12 | Prosody 1: Vowel and Consonant Durations in Speech; Duration Rules for English | Lab 11: Prosody 1: Vowel and Consonant Durations in Speech | |
L13 | Prosody 2: Measurement and Interpretation of Fundamental Frequency Contours, Respiratory Constraints | Lab 12: Prosody 2: Measurement and Interpretation of Fundamental Frequency Contours | |
F. Speech Perception | |||
L14 | Evaluation of Segmental Intelligibility; Intelligibility, Comprehension, Naturalness, Cognitive Load for Words in Sentences | Lab 13: Speech Intelligibility and Confusion Matrices | |
G. Speech Disorders and Speech Development | |||
L15 | Speech Disorders Acoustic Analysis and Interpretation of Individuals with Neuromuscular Disorders and of the Speech of Children with Articulation Disorders Acoustic Analysis of Normal Speech Development in Children | Lab 14: Introduction to Speech Disorders: Analysis of the Speech in Children | |
H. Speech Synthesis and Recognition | |||
L16 | Speech Synthesis using a Formant Synthesizer; Review Acoustic Theory of Speech Production, Formant Synthesis; Synthesizing Syllables | Lab 15: Speech Synthesis using a Formant Synthesizer | |
L17 | No Lecture | Continuation of Speech Synthesis Labs | |
L18 | Higher-Level Synthesis with a Formant Synthesizer, using Quasi-articulatory Parameters Synthesis of Text by Rule | Lab 16: Higher-Level Synthesis Using Quasi-articulatory Parameters | |
L19 | Topic Selection for Individual Term Project Research; Each Student describes Proposed Research | ||
L20 | Use of Landmarks and Features for Speech Recognition; Labeling of Sentences; Rules for Feature Modification Role of Lexicon in Refining Interpretation of Acoustic Evidence | Lab 17: Use of Landmarks and Features for Speech Recognition | |
L21 | Further Discussion of Feature-Based Models | ||
I. Term Projects | |||
P1-P2 | Individual Term Project Research | ||
P3-P5 | Student Oral Reports on Term Project Results |