This calendar provides the course's lecture topics, assignments, and information on the in-class demonstrations. Labs given out during the week were generally due one week later.
Lec # | Topics | KEY DATES |
1 | Course Overview Description of Content, Expectations and Requirements, Grading Policy, Exams, etc Basics Review of Properties of E&M Waves, Amplitude, Intensity, Phase, Polarization and Coherence |
2 | Wave Equation, Plane and Spherical Wave Solutions, Linear, Circular and Elliptical Polarization, Quarter and Halfwave Plates In-class Demo: Polarizers, Magic Sheet |
Problem set 1 out |
3 | Reflection, Refraction, Snell's Law, Critical Angle, Brewster's Angle, Reflection and Transmission Coefficients | |
4 | Geometric Optics, Ray-matrix Methods, Microscopes, Telescopes, Lens Waveguide In-class Demo: Newtonian and Cassegrain Telescopes |
Problem set 1 due Problem set 2 out |
Begin Lab 1 Safety, Polarization States, Dielectric Reflection, Geometric Optics |
5 | Interferometry Temporal and Spatial Coherence, Two-beam Interferometers (Michelson and Mach-Zehnder) |
6 | Multiple-beam Interference, Finesse, Dielectric Mirrors, Fabry-Perot and Lummer-Gehrcke Interferometers, Antireflection Coatings, Dielectric Mirrors, Interference Filters In-class Demo: Soap Films, Dielectric Mirrors, Interference Filters |
Problem set 2 due Problem set 3 out |
Begin Lab 2 Haidinger Interference Fringes (Thin Glass Sides), Two-beam and Multiple-beam Interferometers |
7 | Diffraction Scalar Diffraction Theory, Free-space Propagation, Spatial Frequency, Fresnel Diffraction Formula |
8 | Fraunhofer Approximation, Examples, Diffraction-based Light Modulators In-class Demo: MEMS Deformable Mirror System |
Problem set 3 due Problem set 4 out |
Begin Lab 3 Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction from Various Apertures and Objects |
9 | Holography Transmission Holography, Image Separation Conditions, Real and Virtual Images, Phase-conjugate Waves |
10 | Reflection Holography, Recording Media, Effects of Recording Medium Resolution, Computer-generated Holograms, Real-time Holography In-class Demo: Transmission, White Light and CGHs |
Problem set 4 due Problem set 5 out |
Begin Lab 4 Viewing, Analyzing and Fabricating Transmission and Reflection Holograms |
11 | Light Modulators Electro-optic Light Modulation, Birefringence, Index Ellipsoid, Pockels and Kerr Effect, Electro-optic Tensor, Longitudinal and Transverse Electro-optic Modulators In-class Demo: Calcite Crystal, Stressed Plexiglass |
12 | Longitudinal and Transverse Electro-optic Modulators | Problem set 5 due Problem set 6 out |
Quiz 1 (Open Book) | ||
13 | Raman-Nath and Bragg Acousto-optic Light Modulation, Acousto-optic Signal Processors In-class Demo: Bragg Cell |
14 | Photorefractive Effect, Liquid Crystal Light Modulation, Digital and Membrane-mirror Modulators and Displays In-class Demo: LCD cell |
Problem set 6 due Problem set 7 out |
Begin Lab 5 Electro-optic and Acousto-optic Light Modulation Cells, Photorefraction in a BaTiO3 Crystal |
15 | Lasers Laser Principles, Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, Rate Equations, Oscillation Frequencies In-class Demo: He laser, Visible Diode Lasers |
16 | Scanning F-P Spectrometer, Output Power, Optical Amplifiers, Resonators, Specific Lasers In-class Demo: Scanning F-P |
Problem set 7 due |
Begin Lab 6 He-Ne, CO2, Yag:Nd, and Diode Lasers, Longitudinal Modes with Scanning F-P Spectrometer |
17 | Optical Waveguides Step-index Parallel-plate Optical Waveguide, Modes (Ray-optics Method), Modes In-class Demo: Fiber Samples |
Problem set 8 out |
18 | Types of Dispersion, Bit Rate, Optical Fibers | Problem set 8 due |
Begin Lab 7 | ||
19 | Optical Processors Fourier Optics, Fourier Transforming Property of Lenses, Classical Two-lens Processor |
Problem set 9 out |
Begin Projects | ||
Quiz 2 (Open Book) | ||
20 | Vander Lugt Filter, Matched Filters, JTC, Polychromatic Processors In-class Demo: CTLP |
Problem set 9 due |
21 | Photodetectors Thermal and Quantum Detectors and their Characteristics, Responsivity, NEP, D* |
22 | Noise Types, Specific Detectors (Bolometer, PMT, Photodiode, Avalanche PD, etc) In-class Demo: Photodiode, PMT |
23 | Nonlinear Optics Nonlinear Index, SHG, Parametric Conversion, Phase Matching, Examples In-class Demo: SHG with Nd-YAG Laser and ADP Crystal |
24 | Laboratory Project Presentations |