This section contains laboratory assignments and supporting documentation. For copyright reasons, links to device datasheets are not provided here: they can be downloaded from their respective manufacturers' websites. Source files provided for each lab include template Verilog(R) files (which the students modify to complete the assignment), and I/O pin constraints (in .ucf format, for use with Xilinx ISE(R) Foundation(TM) software) for the 6.111 labkit.
Lab Assignments
Lab 1: Introduction to digital design (PDF) Lab1: Report template (PDF) | Fairchild Semiconductor Philips Semiconductor | |
Lab 2: FSM design - Traffic light controller (PDF) | ||
Lab 3: FSM design - Memory tester (PDF) | Motorola MCM6264 | (lab3_labkit.v) |
Lab 4: Complex FSM - Pong video game (PDF) | Analog Devices ADV7125 triple 8-bit video DAC |