Modus Ponens
Let \(P\) be a proposition, \(Q\) be another proposition.
What is a proposition of the form \(\text{IF } P, \text{ THEN } Q \) called?
\(\text{IF } P, \text{ THEN } Q \) is the general form of an implication and is often written as \(P \text{ IMPLIES } Q\). Thus, given specific \(P\) and \(Q\), \(P \text{ IMPLIES } Q\) is itself a proposition and can be either true or false.A fundamental inference rule says:
\(\dfrac{P,\;\; P \text{ IMPLIES } Q}{Q}\). What is this inference rule called?
What is the statement above the line called?
What is the statement below the line called?
Review Chapter 1.4.1.Proving a proposition's contrapositive is as good as (and sometimes easier than) proving the proposition itself. Which of the following is logically equivalent to the contrapositive of \(P \text{ IMPLIES } Q\)?
Draw a Venn diagram with \(P\) inside of \(Q\).At the end of a proof, it is customary to write down either the delimiter _____ or the symbol _____.
A proof should begin with "Proof by ..." and end with "QED" or \(\Box \).