
The readings given below refer to sections in the course textbook:

Howe, Roger, and Charles Sodini. Microelectronics: An Integrated Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. ISBN: 9780135885185.


MOS = metal-on-silicon
MOSFET = metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
NMOS = n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor
CMOS = complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor


6.012 outline: grading, ethics

Overview of semiconductor applications, silicon integrated circuit technology

2Intrinsic semiconductors, electrons and holes, bond model, generation recombination and thermal equilibrium; doping, donors, acceptors, compensation2.1-2.2
3Carrier transport, drift velocity, drift current density, diffusion current density2.4
4The p-n junction, carrier concentration and potential in thermal equilibrium, 60mV rule3.2-3.3
5The p-n junction in thermal equilibrium3.4
6Introduction to the MOS structure, MOS capacitor in thermal equilibrium3.7
7MOS capacitor under applied bias; accumulation, depletion, and inversion regions3.8
8MOSFET physical structure, circuit symbol and terminal characteristics, MOS transistor characteristics4.1-4.3
9MOS transistor, backgate effect, MOSFET in saturation4.4
10MOSFET small-signal model4.5
11Digital logic concepts, inverter characteristics, logic levels and noise margins, transient characteristics, inverter circuits, NMOS/resistor loads5.1-5.2
12NMOS/current source load, CMOS inverter, static analysis5.3-5.4
13CMOS inverter, propagation delay model, static CMOS gates5.5
14p-n junction diode terminal characteristics, minority carrier concentration under forward and reverse bias6.1-6.3
15Short base approximation, steady state diffusion equation with currents in p-n junction6.3
16p-n junction diode circuit model, large signal static model, small signal model, diffusion capacitance6.4
17Introduction of bipolar junction transistor, terminal characteristics, forward active bias, current gain7.1-7.2
18Reverse active mode and saturation, the Ebers-Moll model7.3-7.4
19Single stage amplifiers, two port small signal model, common source amplifier with resistor and current source supply8.1-8.6
20Common base/gate amplifier, common collector/drain8.8-8.9
21Review frequency domain analysis; current gain frequency response of common emitter amplifier10.1-10.3
22Voltage gain frequency response of common emitter amplifier, full analysis of common emitter, the Miller approximation10.4
23Open circuit time constant analysis, common-gate (CG) and common-drain (CD) amplifiers10.5-10.6
24Multistage amplifiers, cascading small signal two port models9.1-9.2
25DC coupling, voltage sources, MOS current sources, current sources and sinks9.4
26Analyzing complex circuits and course wrap-up9.6 and 10.7