In the News
Abel, David. "Rising Seas Made the Latest Storm Surges More Potent, and Newly Discovered Records Help Prove It." Boston Globe. March 8, 2018.
Calma, Justine. "Hurricane Maria Hit Women in Puerto Rico the Hardest. And They’re the Ones Building it Back." Grist. March 8, 2018.
Hardy, Devon. "Hydroelectric Power and the Water-Energy Nexus." IWA. December 22, 2017.
Myers, Ben and Erica Lusk. "Rising Threat." The Chronicle of Higher Education. December 6, 2017.
Kolbert, Elizabeth. "The Siege of Miami." The New Yorker. December 13, 2015.
Howard, Guy, et al. "Climate Change and Water and Sanitation: Likely Impacts and Emerging Trends for Action." Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41 (2016): 253–276.
Baker, Aryn. "What It’s Like To Live Through Cape Town’s Massive Water Crisis." TIME. February 19, 2018.
Ross, Helen, Bronwyn Powell, and Suzanne Hoverman. "Public Participation and Community Engagement for Water Resource Management in the Pacific." International Water Centre. May 2008.
United Nations World Water Assessment Programme. "The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015: Water for a Sustainable World." UNESCO. 2015.
Economic Commission for Europe International Network of Basin Organizations. "Water and Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Lessons Learned and Good Practices." UNECE. 2015.
Student Projects
Documentary originally created as the Term Project in MIT "D-Lab Water and Climate Change" class. "Local Water" investigates the challenges to the oyster industry in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Those major challenges include ocean acidification, caused by climate change, and coastal pollution, caused by development stresses.
"In an Oyster Nutshell" (25:14 min).
"Local Water" short version (14:35 min) of "In an Oyster Nutshell."
A Very-Low-Cost GNSS Precipitable Water Vapour Sensor (PDF). The goal of the project is to develop a very-low-cost system for the measurement of precipitable water vapour from GNSS data utilizing inexpensive, off-the-shelf, commercially available components. Term project final report.
Video & Audio
NASA Goddard. "Older Arctic Sea Ice Disappearing." October 28, 2016. YouTube.
Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions. "Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise, and Superstorms Video Abstract." March 21, 2016. YouTube.
"Oceans 2016 Program Videos." Bio4Climate. 2016.
"The Boat - Interactive Experience." SBS.
Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of Nature. PBS, 1997.
Watermark. Entertainment One, 2013.
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration