Each class is composed three 60-minute parts: a seminar by the instructor, student led discussion, and a hands-on action learning component.
week | Topics | Seminar | Action Learning: Shop & Lab | Key Dates |
1 | Intro | Introductions—Our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Stories/Interests and Yours! | Introduction to Creative Capacity Building and Participatory Design | |
2 | Water Use and Access, Sustainable Development Goals | "Tour" of the World's Water Sources, Access, and Use and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Insanirator Pitch/Demo by Andrew Tsang Speed Dating: Term Project Profiles and Pitches |
3 | WASH and "One Health" | Guest Lecture: Hellen Amuguni, Associate Professor at Cummings School, Tufts University One Health |
4 | Decentralized Sanitation | Latrines | Shop: Materials (PVC, Concrete, Plaster), Pipes, Hinges, Tools, and Technologies Used in Toilet Design and Construction | Optional Field Trip: Middlesex Fells Reservation and Reservoir |
5 | Wastewater Treatment | Urban Wastewater Treatment in High- and Low-Income Countries | Project Work Session | Project Scope Statement Due |
6 | History of Boston's Water Supply | No Seminar (Field Trip) | No Action Learning (Field Trip) | Field Trip: Metropolitan Waterworks Museum |
7 | Water Quality, Water Diseases, Storage, and Treatment | Water Quality, Storage, and Treatment, Disease Classification, and Water-Related Hazards | Water Quality and Treatment Lab: Turbidity and Coliform Testing | Term Project First Deliverable Due |
8 | Participation and Solid Waste Management | Guest Lecture: Libby McDonald, Lecturer at MIT D-Lab Community-Scale Solid Waste Management | Project Work Session |
9 | Community Water Treatment | Guest Lecture: Kate Cincotta, Co-founder and Executive Director of Saha Global Saha Global Story | Water Quality and Treatment Lab: Coagulation, Filtration, and Disinfection |
10 | WASH, Disasters, and Refugees | Case Studies—WASH & Disaster Relief in Puerto Rico and Refugee Camps in Jordan | Chlorination CCB Work | Term Project Second Deliverable Due |
11 | Centralized Water Treatment | No Seminar (Field Trip) | No Action Learning (Field Trip) | Field Trip: Salem-Beverly Water Treatment Plant |
12 | Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene | Hygiene & Handwashing Gender Issues in WASH Guest Lecture: Zubaida Bai, CEO of azyh ayzh Clean Birth Kits | Project Work Session—Applying Lenses to Your Work (Gender, Age, Literacy, etc) |
13 | Final Projects | Final Projects | Soda Can Stoves | Final Projects Due D-Lab Project Poster Session and Showcase |
14 | Final Projects and Cool Careers | Final Projects | Cool Careers in WASH & Environment |