BOPrenuer. "Ending Poverty (period)." Blog posting, January 8, 2010.
Fuel from the Fields Team. "Fuel from the Fields: Charcoal from Agricultural Waste." (PDF) Technical Brief. Practical Action, 2010. (Courtesy of Practical Action. Used with permission.)
Pre-Trip Project Work
Project work will ramp up during the next few weeks prior to the spring break trip (Week 8). Here's what's expected during Weeks 5 to 7.
First brainstorm | Produce annotated pictures from each team member for each project | During Lab 5 class |
Literature search on topics | What exists? How does it function? How is it made? Focus writing on summarize & reflect, not assess — only include sources that pass the assessment Reference: "Annotated Bibliographies," from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). Deliverable: ~2 page annotated bibliography per project | End of Week 5 |
Develop project specifications | How: 2.009 Specification lecture slides (PDF) Example: 2.009 Fruit Spec Deliverable: specs for each project using 2.009 format (attribute, metric, unit, value) | End of Week 6, revised by end of Week 7 |
Second brainstorm | 2 annotated pictures for each project | End of Week 6, revised by end of Week 7 |
Materials list for trip | Delivered to project partners | End of Week 6 |
Question list for trip | During Lecture 7 class | |
15-minute project presentation | Contents:
| During Lecture 7 class |