Thirty points of the grade will be based on pop quizzes, which will take place in the lectures on randomly chosen occasions. These will be short, multiple-choice quizzes that are designed to test that you have completed the required reading for each lecture before each lecture. Attendance at lectures is compulsory and any missed quizzes will receive a grade of zero.
1 |
| Pop quiz #1 solutions (PDF) |
2 |
| Pop quiz #2 solutions (PDF) |
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| Pop quiz #3 solutions (PDF) |
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| Pop quiz #4 solutions (PDF) |
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| Pop quiz #5 solutions (PDF) |
6 | Pop quiz #6 questions (PDF) | Pop quiz #6 solutions (PDF) |
7 | Pop quiz #7 questions (PDF) | Pop quiz #7 solutions (PDF) |
Final Exam
Forty points of the grade will be based on a final exam. The exam will be based on the required readings throughout the year as well as the lecture material covered in class and recitations. It will be a mixture of multiple choice and written questions, and take a total of three hours.
Final exam review part 1 (PDF)
Final exam review part 2 (PDF)