Part I. Themes: Theory Causal Tests, Evidence, and a First Application | ||
1 | Minimum wages and employment: Theory says? | |
2 | Testing theory: The fundamental problem of causal evidence The method of Differences in Differences | |
3 | Minimum wages and employment: Evidence | |
Part II. The Foundation of Everything: Consumer Preference, Choice, Optimization, and Demand | ||
4 | Introducing consumer theory: The foundation of microeconomics | |
5 | Consumer sovereignty: The Carte Blanche principle | Pset 1 due day after Session 5 |
6 | From preferences to demand curves | |
7 | Income effects, substitution effects, and the design of anti-poverty programs | |
8 | Income, substitution, and subsistence | Pset 2 due |
9 | Exam 1 | |
Part III. From Consumer Demand to Market Demand | ||
10 | Applied competitive analysis: The U.S. sugar program | |
11 | Applied competitive analysis: The market for real estate brokers | |
Part IV. Putting Markets Together: General Equilibrium, Exchange, and International Trade | ||
12 | Putting markets together: The Edgeworth box | |
13 | The gains from market integration: "The Digital Provide" | Pset 3 due day after Session 13 |
14 | International trade and comparative advantage | |
15 | Does trade raise national income? The method of Instrumental Variables | |
16 | The free trade dilemma | |
Part V. Markets Are Not Perfect: Externalities | ||
17 | Externalities: Definition, consequences, and remedies Guest lecture: Colin Gray or Christina Patterson, Graduate students at MIT's Department of Economics | |
18 | Internalizing externalities: Barbed wire fencing | Pset 4 due day after Session 18 |
19 | Prediction is difficult, especially about the future: Choice under uncertainty. | |
20 | Exam 2 | |
Part VI. Choice Under Uncertainty: Risk Preference, the Value of Safety, and the Market for Risk | ||
21 | Risk preference, the value of time, and the value of statistical life | |
22 | There's a market for risk? How insurance works | |
23 | Moral hazard in the housing market: Subprime lending The Regression Discontinuity method | |
Part VII. Markets are Not Perfect: TMI or NEMI? | ||
24 | Imperfect information: Signaling in markets | Pset 5 due day after Session 24 |
25 | Why do educated people earn more? Signaling vs. human capital | |
26 | Mandating a pooling equilibrium: "Ban the Box" legislation | Pset 6 due day after Session 26 |
27 | Adverse selection and the Lemons Problem | |
28 | Health insurance in practice: Why it works, why it matters | |
Exam 3 (during exam period) |