Applying Supply and Demand

OCW Scholar

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Session Overview

Gasoline prices.

You may not realize it, but every time you purchase something, you are participating in a market for that good. Some people supply it, and some people—you!—demand it. In this lecture, we will examine how to analyze supply and demand curves and the impact changes in market conditions and government policy can have on market equilibrium.

Government intervention can impact gasoline prices. Image courtesy of Aaron Tyo-Dikerson on Flickr.

Keywords: Supply and demand; equilibrium; demand shift; supply shift; government interference.

Session Activities


Read the recitation notes, which cover new content that adds to and supplements the material covered in lecture.

Before watching the lecture video, read the course textbook for an introduction to the material covered in this session:

  • [R&T] Chapter 3, "Demand and Supply."
  • [R&T] Chapter 4, "Applications of Demand and Supply." Sections 4.1-4.2.
  • [Perloff] Chapter 2, "Supply and Demand." (optional)

Lecture Videos


Further Study

These optional resources are provided for students that wish to explore this topic more fully.

Study Materials

See the course website for Econ 302, Intermediate Microeconomics taught at Penn State in 2011. 


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