It is required to read the following publications during the course:
2 | Keho, T., and P. G. Kelamis. "A New Era in Land Seismic: The Near-Surface Challenge." SEG Expanded Abstract 28 (2009): 3421-3425. |
4 | Vidale, J. "Finite-Difference Calculation of Travel Times." BSSA 78, no. 6 (1988): 2062-2076. Moser, T. J. "Shortest Path Calculation of Seismic Rays." Geophysics 56, no. 1 (1991): 59-67. Zhang, J., and M. N. Toksoz. "Nonlinear Refraction Traveltime Tomography." Geophysics 63, no. 5 (1998): 1726-1737. |
5 | Hill, R. "Downward Continuation of Refracted Arrivals to Determine Shallow Structures." Geophysics 52, no. 9 (1987): 1188-1198. Zhang, J. "Refraction Migration: Imaging Multiple Refractors Automatically." Expanded Abstract, SEG 71st Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana (2006): 2426. |
6 | Sheng, J., A. Leeds, M. Buddensiek, and G. T. Schuster. "Early Arrival Waveform Tomography on Near-Surface Refraction Data." Geophysics 71, no. 4 (2006): U47-U57. Ravaut, C., S. Opero, L. Improta, J. Virieux, A. Herrero, and P. Dell Aversana. "Multiscale Imaging of Complex Structures from Multifold Wide-Aperture Seismic Data by Frequency-Domain Full-Wave Tomography: Application to a Thrust Belt." Geophys J Int 159 (2004): 1032-1056. |
7 | Xia, J., R. Miller, and C. B. Park. "Estimation of Near-Surface Shear-Wave Velocity by Inversion of Rayleigh Waves." Geophysics 64 (1999): 691-700. ( Ernst, F. "Long-Wavelength Statics Estimation from Guided Waves." EAGE 2007. |
8 | Ronen, J., and J. F. Claerbout. "Surface-Consistent Residual Statics Estimation by Stack-Power Maximization." Geophysics 50 (1985): 2759-2767. Hatherly, P., M. Urosevic, A. Lambourne, and B. J. Evans. "A Simple Approach to Calculating Refraction Statics Corrections." Geophysics 59 (1994): 156-160. |
9 | Kelamis, et al. "Velocity-Independent Redauming: A New Approach to the Near-Surface Problem in Land Seismic Data Processing." TLE (August 2002): 730-735. |
10 | Colombo, D., and M. De Stefano. The Leading Edge (March 2007): 326-331. ( Zhang, J., and D. F. Morgan. "Detecting Underground Caves Using Joint Seismic and Electrical Imaging Method." Expanded Abstract, SEG 67th Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas. |