1 | Introduction and Coordinate Systems | (PDF) | |
2 | Definitions of the Types of Latitude and Longitude; Mathematical Relationship Between These and Cartesian XYZ; Motion of the Rotation Axis, Which Affects Determination of Latitude and Longitude | (PDF) | International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service |
3 | Height Definitions, Methods for Determining Heights, Spirit Leveling and Trigonometric Leveling; Geoid Heights and Their Determination | (PDF) | NGS Geoid Site |
4 | Spherical Trigonometry Derivations and Examples | (PDF) | Spherical Trigonometry |
5 | Determination of Latitude and Longitude Using Astronomical Methods | (PDF) | Equation of Time |
6 | Almanacs in Paper and Electronic Form | (PDF) | Rise, Set, and Twilight Definitions US Naval Observatory Astronomical Data Services The Online Nautical Almanac |
7 | Dead Reckoning and Sextants | (PDF) | The Road to the Magnetic North Pole Field Lines for a Magnetic Dipole Nathaniel Bowditch. The American Practical Navigator. Wallabycreek, 2011. ISBN: 9781921936746. Vernier |
8 | Review of Linear Algebra Covering Vectors and Matrices, Solving Linear Equations, Vector Spaces, Eigenvalues and Vectors, Rotation Matrices | (PDF) | Square Matrix (M) |
9 | Sextant Measurements | (PDF) | |
10 | Map Projections of Different Types and The Mathematics Behind Some Projections | (PDF) | Map Projection |
11 | Statistics and Propagation of Variance-covariance Matrices | (PDF) | |
12 | Estimation of Over-determined, Nearly Linear Systems Including Least and Weighted Least Squares | (PDF) | |
13 | Examined HW 02 Solution and the Non-Linear Model That Can be Used to Represent the Measurements Taken | (PDF) | |
14 | Finish Estimation With Sequential Estimation and Error Ellipses; Examine Correlations Between Random Time Series | (PDF) | The time series and correlation values plotted in this lecture were generated with cross.f (F) |
15 | Electromagnetic Distance Measurement (EDM) Conventional Instruments and Theory of Their Operation | (PDF) | |
16 | GPS Pseudo-range Measurements and Basic Principles of GPS | (PDF) | We use the following Matlab files in this lecture: GPSSim.m (M) xcor.m (M) |
17 | GPS Signal Tracking, Orbit Geometry, Specific Signal Structure, Phase Measurements and Data | (PDF) | |
18 | GPS Pseudo Range and Phase measurements, basic processing methods, Dilution of Precision Measures | (PDF) | |
19 | Atmosphere Delay Effects | (PDF) | Sky Plots of Phase Residuals by Site has comparisons of NCEP and GPS estimates of atmospheric delays under the Atmosphere link. |
20 | Ionosphere and Dispersive GPS Delay Correction | (PDF) | |
21 | Satellite Orbit Representation and Sources of Information about Orbits | (PDF) | GPS Interface Control Document (PDF)# |
22 | Basics of Hand Held GPS Receivers Class Outside Using GPS | (PDF) | |
23 | Applications of GPS | (PDF) |