The games on this list are examples of the many different kinds and styles that have been developed to foster social change and civic engagement. Many also have an educational mission. They are intended as a "play list" to accompany the reading list for the course, and are to be used in the "Game Assessment" assignment.
Against All Odds | 2005 | Developer: United Nations High Commission on Refugees. Funders: Microsoft, Ericsson, Datareal AB |
Darfur is Dying | 2006 | interFUEL, LLC (Take Action games) |
Gray | 2009 | Intuition games |
Hush | 2007–8 | Jaimie Antonisse |
Peter Packet Game | 2004 | Creative Learning Studio at Cisco Systems Inc. |
Precipice | 2009 | Centre for Digital Media |
Re–Mission | 2006 | HopeLab |
September 12th: A Toy World | 2003 | Newsgaming, Gonzalo Frasca |
The Cat and the Coup | 2011 | Peter Brinson, Kurosh ValaNejad |
Ulitsa Dimitrova | 2010 | Lea Schönfelder and Gerard Delmàs |
McDonald's Game | 2006 | Molleindustria |