
[CGD] = Brathwaite, Brenda, and Ian Schreiber. Challenges for Game Designers: Non­digital Exercises for Video Game Designers. Cengage Learning, 2008. ISBN: 9781584505808.

[GDW] = Fullerton, Tracy. Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. 2nd ed. CRC Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780240809748. [Preview with Google Books]

Note: This section is intended to give an integrated overview of the course and how its different components fit together. Not every class session includes every kind of resource (readings, audio lectures, etc.).


Course Introduction & Overview

Assignment One: Single Mechanic (PDF)

What is a Game?

Game Lab

Set, Set Enterprises, 1988. ASIN: B00000IV34

Buffalo, Tiltfactor, 2012. ASIN: 0984416528

Excape, Rio Grande Games, 1998. ASIN: B001QFYZNG

Tier Auf Tier (Animal Upon Animal), HABA, 2005. ASIN: B001IM4CSU

Code 777, Stronghold Games, 1985. ASIN: B00422KWAK

Going, Going, GONE!, Stronghold Games, 2013. ASIN: B00GXBISWM

Blokus, Mattel, 2000. ASIN: B001P06GX4

[CGD] Chapter 1: "The Basics."

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Session 1 Part 1: Introduction, Overview, and Syllabus

Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature.

Session 1 Part 2: Game Mechanics


Meaningful Decisions, Visibility

Assignment 1 team formation

Game Lab

Last year's CMS.608 games

Norman, Donald. "The Psychopathology of Everyday Things." In The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books, 2002. ISBN: 9780465067107.

Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature.

Session 2 Part 1: Meaningful Decisions in Gameplay

Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature.

Session 2 Part 2: Brainstorming




[GDW] "Prototyping" and "Playtesting"

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Session 3 Part 1: Prototyping

Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature.

Session 3 Part 2: Altering Rules & Playtesting

4 Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics: The MDA Framework Hunicke, Robin, Marc LeBlanc, and Robert Zubek. This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research (PDF). 2004. Session 4: Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics - The MDA Framework

Imperfect Information and Dice


Partlett, David. "The Role of Dice." In The Oxford History of Board Games." Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 9780192129987. Session 5: Imperfect Information and Dice

Constraints and Usability

Game Lab

Ascending Empires, Z-Man Games, 2011. ASIN: B004QL7U84

Pitchcar, Ferti, 1995. ASIN: B0006HIZRW

Container, Valley Games, Inc., 2007. ASIN: B0012CMNXC

Stratego, Spin Master Games, 1947. ASIN: B0045OV9IO

Villa Paletti, Wiggles 3D, 2001. ASIN: B001KVMDN0

Norman, Donald. "Knowing What To Do." In The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books, 2002. ISBN: 9780465067107. Session 6: Constraints and Usability

Assignment 1 due and presentations

Assignment 2 team formation

Assignment 2: Experience and Aesthetics (PDF)

  Session 7: Aesthetics and Player Experience
8 Assignment 1 report and changelog due [CGD] Chapter 2: "Game Design Atoms." Audio not available

Randomness and Player Choice

Game Lab

Race for the Galaxy, Rio Grande Games, 2007. ASIN: B000YLAOEW

Tikal, Rio Grande Games, 1999. ASIN: B0007YDBTG

Thebes, Queen Games, 2007. ASIN: B000UH7SVW

Puerto Rico, Rio Grande Games, 2002. ASIN: B00008URUT

Dominion, Rio Grande Games, 2008. ASIN: B001JQY6K4

Agricola, Z-Man Games, 2007. ASIN: B001C7617Q

Kaufeld, John. "Randomness, Player Choice, and Player Experience." In Tabletop Analog Game Design., 2011. ISBN: 9781257870608.

Flash and JavaScript are required for this feature.

Session 9: Randomness and Player Choice


History of American Board Games

Game Lab

Monopoly, Hasbro, 1933. ASIN: B00CV5PN2W

Clue, Hasbro, 1949. ASIN: B00349MPQQ

Scrabble, Hasbro, 1948. ASIN: B00000IWDB

Uno, Mattel, 1971. ASIN: B00004TZY8

Candy Land, Hasbro, 1949. ASIN: B00000DMF5

Orbanes, Philip. "Learning the Game 1898-1910." In The Game Makers: The Story of Parker Brothers, from Tiddledy Winks to Trivial Pursuit. Harvard Business Review Press, 2003. ISBN: 9781591392699. Session 10: History of American Board Games

Game, Play, Sport–Definitions


Game Lab

Steam, MayFair Games, 2009. ASIN: B002B54VAM

Empire Builder, MayFair Games, 1982. ASIN: B001PB0V66

Power Grid, Rio Grande Games, 2004. ASIN: B0007YDBLE

Partlett, David. "Welcome Aboard." In The Oxford History of Board Games." Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 9780192129987. Session 11: Defining Game, Play, and Sport

Game Lab

Zooloretto, Rio Grande Games, 2007. ASIN: B000S0PY2G

Ra, Rio Grande Games, 1999. ASIN: B002PNCP30

Settlers of Catan, MayFair Games, 1995. ASIN: B000W7JWUA

Modern Art, MayFair Games, 1992. ASIN: B0006HCVYU

Acquire, Wizards of the Coast, 1964. ASIN: 0786950072

7 Wonders, Asmodee, 2010. ASIN: B0043KJW5M

Buy at MIT Press Salen, Katie, and Eric Zimmerman. "Games as Systems of Information." In Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780262240451. [Preview with Google Books] Audio not available

Cybernetics and Multiplayer

Game Lab

Hoity Toity, überplay, 1990. ASIN: B0006HCWIA

Risk, Hasbro, 1959. ASIN: B004MRZGC4

El Grande, Rio Grande Games, 1995. ASIN: B000BXHNX8

Lifeboats, Z-Man Games, 1993. ASIN: B000LQK4EA

Costikyan, Greg, and Drew Davidson, eds. "The 3 Player Problem." In Tabletop Analog Game Design., 2011. ISBN: 9781257870608. Session 13: Cybernetics and Multiplayer
14 Adding and Cutting Mechanics


[CGD] Chapter 14: "Adding and Subtracting Mechanics." Session 14: Adding and Cutting Mechanics

Assignment 2 Game Due and Presentation

Game Lab

Tammany Hall, Pandasaurus Games, 2007. ASIN: 0615637507

Kolejka, Instytut Pamici Narodowej, 2011. ASIN: 8376293419

Source of the Nile, Avalon Hill, 1978. ASIN: B002ZFOPZY

  Session 15: Assignment 3

Simulation and Assignment 3

Assignment 2 report and changelog due

Assignment 3 team formation

Assignment 3: Perspective (PDF)

Game Lab

Zpocalypse, GreenBrier Games, 2013. ASIN: B00BIOXIH4

We Didn't Playtest This At All, Asmadi Games, 2007. ASIN: B001N11OI2

Innovation, Asmadi Games, 2010. ASIN: B004196Y06

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.The Raccoon is at the Candy Shoppe (PDF - 3.1MB), Games by Play Date, 2014.

Slash: Romance Without Boundaries, Games by Play Date, 2013.

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Element 313 (PDF - 13.7MB), Games by Play Date, 2013.

Frasca, Gonzala. "Simulation 101: Simulation vs Representation." 2001. Session 16: The Simulation Gap & Assignment 3 Pitches
17 Guest lecture: Game Makers Guild and Games By Playdate   Session 17: Guest Lectures by Professional Designers
18 Guest lecture: Geneva University of Art and Design   Audio not available

Space Control

Pitch and playtest

Game Lab

Ticket to Ride, Days of Wonder, 2004. ASIN: 0975277324

Carcassonne, Z-Man Games, 2000. ASIN: B008ULAMSG

Through the Desert, Fantasy Flight Games, 1998. ASIN: 1589942140

Qwirkle, MindWare, 2006. ASIN: 1933054395

Panic Station, Stronghold Games, 2011. ASIN: B0064C7ZMY

Partlett, David. "Space Control" and "Corner Your Fauna." In The Oxford History of Board Games." Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 9780192129987. Session 19: Space Control
20 Cooperative Games


GoogleTechTalks. "Cooperation and Engagement: What can board games teach us?" April 30, 2008. YouTube. Accessed August 22, 2014. watch?v=cdTVcFo2EQw Session 20: Cooperative Games

Social Play

Game Lab

Pandemic, Z-Man Games, 2008. ASIN: B00A2HD40E

Forbidden Island, Gamewright, 2010. ASIN: B003D7F4YY

Descent, Fantasy Flight Games, 2005. ASIN: 1616611898

Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of Ashardalon, Wizards of the Coast, 2011. ASIN: 0786955708

Shadows over Camelot, Days of Wonder, 2005. ASIN: 0975277383

Battlestar Galactica, Fantasy Flight Games, 2008. ASIN: 1589944607

Buy at MIT Press Salen, Katie, and Eric Zimmerman. "Games as Systems of Information." In Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. MIT Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780262240451. [Preview with Google Books] Session 21: Social Play

Changing Rules

Game Lab

Cosmic Encounter, Fantasy Flight Games, 2008. ASIN: 1589944968

Seafarers of Catan, MayFair Games, 1997. ASIN: B000W7G78A

Quarriors, WizKids, 2011. ASIN: B004U5RD1A

Risk Legacy, Hasbro, 2011. ASIN: B005J146MI

Olotka, Peter. "Fair Isn’t Funny: The Design of Cosmic Encounter." In Tabletop Analog Game Design., 2011. ISBN: 9781257870608. Session 22: Changing Rules I
23 Dekoven

Game Lab

Johann Sebastian Joust




Thumb Wrestling

(Subject to weather):



Pepsi­Cola 1­2­3

Buy at MIT Press De Koven, Bernard. "Changing the Game." In The Well-Played Game: A Player's Philosophy. MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262019170. [Preview with Google Books] Session 23: Changing Rules II

Indie Games

Final playtest and Guest Lecture: Jesper Juul

  Session 24: Indie Games and Aesthetics with Jesper Juul
25 Final work session    Audio not available

Final Presentations
Changelogs and report due

  Audio not available