Detailed Course Schedule
Each week the studio will be split into two parts: Discussion and a hands-on lab. We will begin with a check-in and a review of progress, followed by discussion of the assigned text for the week. After a short break, we'll switch to a hands-on lab. Lab activities will vary each week and depend on projects but include: Learning to use collaborative project tools; project sprints; testing; production of documentation; comparison / evaluation of competing solutions, and so on.
1. Course Introduction & Course Tools Workshop | Welcome! Course overview; customer development & Lean Canvas Workshop: Course tools (blog, Trello, Google docs, LaunchPad Central) | First blog post to course website: Introduce yourself! | Work with co-ops to suggest they complete Intake Questionnaire (PDF), and share with project teams |
2. Project Partners | Meet the co-op partners This week, potential project partners will join us to present the work they do. After the presentations, everyone will provide their partner preferences in ranked order, with a short explanation of top preferences. Please note that not every potential project partner will necessarily work out, and not every student will be part of their top pick for a project team. We'll do our best to organize project teams to balance team size, skills, and preferences. | Catch up on the readings, complete the intake questionnaire (optional). Share this with the project team before the site visit to inform the brainstorm session. Fill out Partner Request Form (PDF) (not until after the presentations, please!) | Assign people to design teams |
3. Design Histories, MVP (Minimum Viable Product) & Working Agreements | This week we'll look at multiple and intersecting histories of design theory and practice. Then we'll talk about the evolution of product development. We'll also briefly discuss the working agreements that your design team should sign together. Design teams formed Discuss what MVP is | All teams must conduct a site visit before next class Agenda for site visit:
Please post, 1 post per group, to the class blog. Include:
| Share Project Working Agreement Template (PDF) and reminder about due date |
4. Cooperatives & Business Model Canvas Workshop | This week we discuss history of worker owned cooperatives, and learn about principles of Lean UX. We'll workshop the business model canvas and discuss what we expect of your presentations the following week. Working agreements due Workshop: Business model canvas Guest: Maggie Cohn, Cooperative Fund of New England |
| Share Business Model Canvas & reminder about due date |
5. Present Canvas, Discuss Risks & Customer Development Workshop | Presentation: Canvas is due; you'll present the one you think is best and want to try first; discuss risks & how to further asses; blog post sharing the Canvas Workshop: Customer interviews Guest: Stacey Cordeiro, Boston Center for Community Ownership | First round of interviews to test risks as described in canvas hypotheses
| Provide feedback on Canvas |
6. Human Centered Design & Paper Prototyping Workshop | Interviews round 1 are due Workshop: Paper prototyping Use to create paper prototypes of your product candidates, incorporating your canvas revisions & feedback from the customer interviews. | Refine paper prototype based on what questions could be answered with it Interviews & prototype testing
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7. Appropriation, Innovation & Midpoint Evaluations | Midpoint EvaluationHow is the process working out so far? Discuss whether there are any changes that need to be made in how you work together. | None! | In class review |
8. DiscoTechs, Design Jams & Hackathons | We'll talk about DiscoTechs, design jams, hackathons, and the role of events in building community. We'll discuss the upcoming Co-op DiscoTech. Also, we'll discuss what these events are NOT so great for. Workshop: Deeper Interviews with Mary Gray, Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research. What we learn, and don't learn, from interviews as a method. |
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9. Present Paper Prototype I | Presentation: Paper Prototype I - 20 minutes each (plus Q&A). What assumptions have you tested, and learned, so far? What do you need to test next? How will you test? Guest: Dayna Cunningham, Executive Director, Community Innovator's Lab |
| Provide feedback on prototype iteration |
10. Landing Pages, User Acquisition, and Analytics Workshop | Progress report back Evan will walk through landing pages, user acquisition, and analytics, then we'll spend an hour setting up our analytics tools. |
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11. Present Progress | Presentation: Presentation of progress (for example: Clickable mockups, revised design materials, feedback from potential users, analytics to date). |
| Share Final Presentation Guidelines |
12. Looking forward with Participatory Economics & Project Session | This week we'll be having a guest speaker to talk about the economics of a cooperative economy. Michael Albert is the author of many books about alternative and cooperative economic models, and has developed detailed proposals for participatory economics (parecon). DiscoTech preparation |
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Three days after Session 12 | International Workers' Day - Proposed date for Co-op DiscoTech | ||
13. Project Session | Case study complete draft is due – what was tested and learned in user acquisition.
| Prepare final project presentation Case study revision | |
14. Last Class - Final Project Presentation | Overview of the co-op; talk through evolution of the product and canvas; assumptions and how they tested them; present the landing page / value prop, clickable mockup (at least), user acquisition metrics; next steps for the project Final Project Presentation (by the whole design team!). In class: Course evaluations | Due for end of term: Final project & process evaluation; course evaluation Final blog post. Your blog post must include:
| Send detailed feedback and revision directions on case studies |
End of Term | Final revisions to case study due 1.5 weeks after the last session | Final case study revisions | Incorporate case studies in co-design toolkit |