Week 1: Icebreakers, Introduction to the Course and Way of Working
Tronto, Joan. Who Cares?: How to Reshape a Democratic Politics. Cornell University Press, 2015. ISBN: 9781501702747.
Engster, Daniel. "A Public Ethics of Care for Policy Implementation." American Journal of Political Science 64, no. 3 (2020): 621–633.
Week 2: Approaches to Design
Winner, Langdon. "Do Artifacts Have Politics?" Daedalus (1980): 121–136.
Johnson, Jim. "Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of a Door-Closer." Social Problems 35, no. 3 (1988): 298–310.
DiSalvo, Carl. "Design and Agonism." In Adversarial Design. MIT Press, 2015. ISBN: 9780262528221.
Crabtree, Andrew, Mark Rouncefield, and Peter Tolmie. "Design Ethnography in a Nutshell." In Doing Design Ethnography. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. ISBN: 9781447127253.
Week 3: Participatory Design (PD) and Codesign
Cizek, Katerina, William Uricchio, et al. "Part 1: ‘We Are Here’: Starting Points in Co-Creation." In Collective Wisdom. MIT Press, 2019.
Costanza-Chock, Sasha. "Design Practices: 'Nothing about Us Without Us.'" In Design Justice (1st ed.). MIT Press, 2020. ISBN: 9780262043458.
Gordon, Eric, and Gabriel Mugar. Meaningful Inefficiencies: Civic Design in an Age of Digital Expediency. Oxford University Press, 2020. Introduction and Chapter 3. ISBN: 9780190870133.
Staton, Brooke, Julia Kramer, Pierce Gordon, and Lauren Valdez. "From the Technical to the Political: Democratizing Design Thinking." contested_cities, Madrid (2016).
Week 4: PD in the Public Sector
Brandsen, Taco, Trui Steen, and Bram Verschuere. "Definitions of Coproduction and CoCreation." In Co-Production and Co-Creation: Engaging Citizens in Public Services. Taylor & Francis, 2018. ISBN: 9781351792578.
Blomkamp, Emma. "The Promise of Co‐Design for Public Policy." Australian Journal of Public Administration 77, no. 4 (2018): 729–743.
Gouillart, Francis, and Tina Hallett. "Co-Creation in Government." Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2015.
Huybrechts, Liesbeth, Henric Benesch, and Jon Geib. "Institutioning: Participatory Design, Co-Design and the Public Realm." CoDesign 13, no. 3 (2017): 148–159.
Week 5: Creativity and Scoping
Chou, Yung‐Yi Juliet, and Barbara Tversky. "Changing Perspective: Building Creative Mindsets." Cognitive Science 44, no. 4 (2020): e12820.
Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby. Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262019842.
Week 6: Value Alignment and Partnership Agreements
Friedman, Batya, and David G. Hendry. Value Sensitive Design: Shaping Technology with Moral Imagination. MIT Press, 2019. ISBN: 9780262039536.
Bardzell, Shaowen. "Feminist HCI: Taking Stock and Outlining an Agenda for Design." In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1301–1310. 2010.
Racin, Liat and Eric Gordon. "Community Academic Research Partnerships in Digital Contexts: Opportunities, Limitations, and New Ways to Promote Mutual Benefit." The Living Library, 2018.
Week 7: Working with Data
Weber, Nicholas M., Carole L. Pamer, and Bree Norlander. "Advancing Open Data: Aligning Education with Public Sector Data Challenges." Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 55, no. 1 (2018): 927–928.
D'Ignazio, Catherine, and Lauren F. Klein. Data Feminism. MIT Press, 2020. Introduction and Chapter 1. ISBN: 9780262044004.
Week 8: Project Proposal
No assigned readings
Week 9: Evaluation
Yates, Brian, and Mita Marra. "Introduction: Social Return on Investment (SROI)." Evaluation and Program Planning 64 (2017): 95–97.
"Qualitative Research Practice Guide." The Code for America, 2020.
Drain, Andrew, and Elizabeth B-N. Sanders. "A Collaboration System Model for Planning and Evaluating Participatory Design Projects." International Journal of Design 13, no. 3 (2019): 39–52.
Week 10: Making
Snyder, Carolyn. Paper Prototyping: The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces. Morgan Kaufmann, 2003. Introduction and Chapter 4. ISBN: 9780080513508.
Week 11: User Testing
O'Neil, Daniel, and the Smart Chicago Collaborative. Civic User Testing Group as a New Model for UX Testing, Digital Skills Development, and Community Engagement in Civic Tech. The Smart Chicago Collaborative, 2019. ISBN: 9781670767851.