

ID - Klaus, C., et al. In Depth: Essayists for Our Time. 2nd ed. Princeton, NJ: Heinle, 1993. ISBN: 0155001728.

APE - Lopate, Phillip. The Art of the Personal Essay. New York, NY: Doubleday Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 038542339X.

TM - Perelman, L., et al. The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1997. ISBN: 1559346477.

2ID: "Introduction: On the Essay."

White, E. B. "The Essayist and the Essay."

Woolf, V. "The Modern Essay."
3APE: pp. 5-136.Assignment 1 distributed
4Peer ReviewRough draft 1 due in class
5Discussion of Drafts

ID: Hoagland, E. "The Courage of Turtles."

Raymo, C. "An Ancient Brilliance." (copy)
6ID: Eiseley, L. "How Flowers Changed the World," and "The Hidden Teacher."

APE: J. Tanizaki, "In Praise of Shadows."
Final draft 1 due
7ID: Walker, A. "Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self."

APE: Hazlitt, W. "On the Pleasure of Hating."
Assignment 2 distributed
8Peer ReviewRough draft 2 due
9Discussion of Drafts

TM: Twain, M. "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses."

Saki. "The Reticence of Lady Anne."

APE: Shonagon, Sei. "Hateful Things."
10Discussion of Drafts (cont.)

ID: Walker, A. "Am I Blue?"

Woolf, V. "The Death of the Moth."

Oates, J. C. "Against Nature."
11ID: Orwell, G. "Politics and the English Language."

TM: Queenan, J. "Introduction."
Final draft 2 due

Assignment 3 distributed
12TM: Swift, J. "A Modest Proposal." 
13Peer ReviewRough draft 3 due
14Discussion of Drafts

Alexie, Sherman "Captivity." (copy)

TM: Twain, M. "A Medieval Romance."
15TM: Voltaire. Candide.Final draft 3 due

Assignment 4 distributed 2 days after Lecture 15
16Peer ReviewRough draft 4 due
17Discussion of Drafts

TM: Austen, J. Lady Susan.
18Discussion of Drafts (cont.)

TM: Twain, M. "English as She Is Taught."

ID: "All of Woody Allen."
Final draft 4 due four days after Lecture 18 no later than 2pm
19Individual Conferences 
20Individual Conferences (cont.) 
21Individual Conferences (cont.) 
22Final Class Meeting in Class

Individual Conferences (cont.)
Final draft of essay 5 due in portfolio five days after Lecture 22

Portfolio due five days after Lecture 22 no later than 3pm