Supplementary Resources on Authors
Maya Angelou - Voices from the Gaps
Barbara Ehrenreich - Web Resources on Nickel and Dimed
Anne Frank - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Exhibit
Martin Luther King, Jr.- Web Resources
Flannery O'Connor- Web Resources
Alice Walker- Voices from the Gaps
Readings and Dramatic Versions of Assigned Short Stories
Tim O'Brien- Reading of "The Things They Carried" by Rob Riley (Chicago Public Radio)
Tillie Olsen reading excerpts from "I Stand Here Ironing" on This American Life
Tobias Wolff reading "Bullet in the Brain" on This American Life
Tobias Wolff - film version of "Bullet in the Brain"
Documentary Film
No Logo (More information on this film is available on the Media Education Foundation Web site.)
Eyes on the Prize (More information on this film series is available on the Museum of Broadcast Communications Web site.)
Additional Short Story Resources
Stories on Stage - Chicago Public Radio
"Scribbling Women": Dramatizations of Stories by American Women
Perspectives on American Literature - Reference Guide
Student Publications
MURJ: MIT Undergraduate Research Journal
MIT Writing Resources
MIT Program In Writing and Humanistic Studies
Writing Resources on the World Wide Web
Writing Across the Curriculum at MIT
Writing Prize Competitions
Louis Kampf Writing Prize in Women's Studies
Benjamin Siegel Prize in Science, Technology and Society
History Writing Prize Competition
MIT Grants for Writing, Service, and Research
Public Service Fellowships and Grants