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6 | Mechanics of Biological Materials | Boal, David. Mechanics of the Cell. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002, chapters 1, 2, 6, and 7. ISBN: 0521796814. Bao, G., and Subra Suresh. "Cell and Molecular Mechanics of Biological Materials." Nature Materials 2 (2003): 715-725. Buehler, Markus J. "Large-Scale Hierarchical Molecular Modeling of Nanostructured Biological Materials." Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 3 (2006): 603-623. |
7 | Introduction to The Problem Set | Mayo, Stephen L., Barry D. Olafson and William A. Goddard III. "DREIDING: A Generic Force Field for Molecular Simulations." J Phys Chem 94 (1990): 8897-8909. Wang, Wei, Oreola Donini, Carolina M. Reyes, Peter A. Kollman. "Biomolecular Simulations: Recent Developments in Force Fields, Simulations of Enzyme Catalysis, Protein-Ligand, Protein-Protein, and Protein-Nucleic Acid Noncovalent Interactions." Ann Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 30 (2001): 211-243. Karplus, Martin and J. Andrew McCammon. "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biomolecules." Nature Structural Biology 9 (2002): 646-652. |
8 | Size Effects in Deformation of Materials | Buehler, M. J., H. Yao, B. Ji, and H. Gao. "Cracking and Adhesion at Small Scales: Atomistic and Continuum Studies of Flaw Tolerant Nanostructures." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 14 (2006): 799-816. Miller, Ronald E. and E. B. Tadmor. "The Quasicontinuum Method: Overview, Applications and Current Directions." Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design 9 (2002): 203-239. Knap, J. and M. Ortiz. "An analysis of the quasicontinuum method." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 49 (2001): 1899-1923. Final Project Part AHeino, P., H. Häkkinen and K. Kaski. "Molecular-dynamics Study of Mechanical Properties of Copper." Europhys Lett 41 (1998): 273-278. Komanduri, R., N. Chandrasekaran, and L. M. Raff. "Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation of Uniaxial Tension of Some Single-Crystal Cubic Metals at Nanolevel." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (2001): 2237-2260. Cleri, Fabrizio, Sidney Yip, Dieter Wolf, and Simon R. Phillpot. "Atomic-Scale Mechanism of Crack-Tip Plasticity: Dislocation Nucleation and Crack-Tip Shielding." Phys Rev Lett 79 (1997): 1309-1312. Mishin, Y. "Structural Stability and Lattice Defects in Copper: Ab Initio, Tight-Binding, and Embedded-Atom Calculations." Phys Rev B 63 (2001): 1-16. Final project Part BBuehler, Markus J., Jef Dodson, Adri C. T. van Duin, Peter Meulbroek, William A. Goddard III. "The Computational Materials Design Facility (CMDF): A Powerful Framework for Multi-paradigm Multi-scale Simulations." Mater Res Soc Symp Proc 894 (2006): 0894-LL03-03.1-03.6. Final project Part CNAMD Tutorial by Markus Buehler (PDF) |