Weekly Reading and Class Responses
You are required to submit a one-paragraph (no more than 150 words) response to the readings each week by 4pm the night before class. The responses are not meant to be formal, but instead help you engage with the class material and help us lead and focus the class discussion. You should not spend more than 30 minutes each week on the responses, although we expect you will spend significantly more time doing readings. Responses will count towards class participation. Each class period will include a discussion section of the previous week's readings, and each week, a group of students will be selected to give a short introduction and overview of one to two readings each to help begin the week's discussion.
Assignment 0: Introduce Yourself
Please submit a short half-page document about yourself, so that the instructors and TA can get to know you better, and help put names to faces. The first assignment is a group assignment, and we want to form groups of mixed skills and interests. This assignment is not graded. In this document, please describe your background; the school you attend; your current program of study and year in the program; and your primary interests in transportation and background in transportation (if any).
Assignment 1
Counting and Observing at Key Intersections
Assignment 2
Re-Designing Massachusetts Avenue
Assignment 3
Assessing the Impacts of Growth in the Lower Mystic
Assignment 4
Planning for Growth in the Lower Mystic