This section includes assignment instructions, as well as an example of student work.
1 | a) Write resume draft b) Final resume | L1 | a) S1 b) S2 | |
2 | a) Project evaluation b) Financing a skyscraper | Assignment 2a spreadsheet (XLS) Assignment 2b (PDF) | L3 | a) L5 b) L6 |
3 | a) Engineer selection b) Memo (choice/reason) c) Written trip report and thank-you letter d) Class discussion | (PDF) | L4 | a) S3 b) S4 c) S7 d) L14 |
4 | a) Group letter of intent b) Draft proposal c) Final proposal | S3 | a) S5 b) S9 c) S13 | |
5 | a) Activity network exercise: individual assignment b) Bridge construction: group presentation | (PDF) | L7 | a) L9 b) L11 |
6 | Profile of an industry company | (PDF) | L12 | L15 |
7 | Professional ethics debates | (PDF) | L18 | L19 |
8 | Critique of oral presentations | S13 | L20 |
Student Example Work
Profile an industry company: Jones & Stokes, courtesy of Percy Link, used with permission. (PDF)