1-4 | Experimental Evidence for Quantum Mechanics Polarization of Light Single Molecule Fluorescence |
5-7 | The Machinery of Quantum Mechanics Hilbert Space State Vectors Bra-Ket Operators and Eigenvalues |
8-12 | Exactly Solvable Problems Operators and States in Real Space Harmonic Oscillator Position Representation and Wave Mechanics Piecewise Constant Potentials |
Problem set 1 due after Lec #8 Problem set 2 due after Lec #11 |
13-15 | Matrix Mechanics Vector Representation of States Matrices as Operators Interesting Matrix Properties Discrete Variable Representation Variational Method |
Problem set 3 due after Lec #14 Problem set 4 due after Lec #17 |
16-18 | Time Dependence Energy Eigenstates and Stationary States The Propagator Time Dependence of Average Values Matrix Representations of the Propagator Example: Inversion of the Ammonia Molecule |
Midterm exam handed out after Lec #18 |
19-20 | Angular Momentum Rotations Commutation Relations Eigenstates |
21-22 | Central Potentials Spherical Polar Coordinates Orbital Angular Momentum Operators Spherical Harmonics The Radial Equation Hydrogen-like Atoms Electron Spin |
Midterm exam due after Lec #21 |
23-24 | Addition of Angular Momenta Coupled and Uncoupled Bases Recursion Relations The Triangle Rule |
25 | Wigner-Eckart Theorem Spherical Tensors |
26-28 | Perturbation Theory | Problem set 5 due after Lec #27 |
29-31 | Identical Particles The Product Basis Symmetry Under Exchange Two Electron Atoms Hartree-Fock Perturbation Theory Configuration Interaction |
Problem set 5 due after Lec #31 |
32-34 | The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation The Adiabatic Approximation The Coupled Channel Hamiltonian Non-Adiabatic Effects Diabatic States Electron Transfer |
35-38 | The Hydrogen Molecule Minimal Atomic Orbital Basis Molecular Orbital Picture Valence Bond Picture |
Problem set 7 due after Lec #35 Final exam after Lec #38 |