Lecture notes were originally prepared by Tim Kowalczyk and Kara Manke, and updated by Chern Chuang, Thomas Avila, and Michael Mavros, in collaboration with Professor Cao.
1 | Stochastic Processes and Brownian Motion (PDF) | 1.1 Markov Processes
1.2 Master Equations
1.3 Fokker-Planck Equations
1.4 The Langevin Equation 1.5 Appendix: Applications of Brownian Motion |
2 | Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics (PDF) | 2.1 Response, Relaxation, and Correlation 2.2 Onsager Regression Theory 2.3 Linear Response Theory and Causality
3 | Hydrodynamics and Light Scattering (PDF) | 3.1 Light Scattering 3.2 Navier-Stokes Hydrodynamic Equations 3.3 Transport Coefficients |
4 | Time Correlation Functions (PDF) | 4.1 Short-time Behavior 4.2 Projection Operator Method 4.3 Viscoelastic Model 4.4 Long-time Tails and Mode-coupling Theory |