[McQuarrie] = McQuarrie, Donald A. Quantum Chemistry, 2nd Edition. University Science Books, 2007. ISBN: 9781891389504.
[Field] = Field, Robert W. Spectra and Dynamics of Small Molecules. Springer, 2015. ISBN: 9783319159577.
[CTDL] = Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, Bernard Diu, and Franck Laloë. Quantum Mechanics. Wiley, 1991. ISBN: 9780471164333
1 | Historical Background, Photoelectric Effect | [McQuarrie] Chapter 1 |
2 | Wave Nature of the Electron and the Internal Structure of an Atom | [McQuarrie] Chapter A |
3 | Two-Slit Experiment, Quantum Weirdness | [McQuarrie] Chapters 1, B |
4 | Classical Wave Equation and Separation of Variables | [McQuarrie] Chapter 2 |
5 | Quantum Mechanics: Free Particle and Particle in 1D box | [McQuarrie] Chapter 3.1–3.8 |
6 | 3-D Box and QM Separation of Variables | [McQuarrie] Chapter 3.9 |
7 | Classical Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator | [McQuarrie] Chapter 5.1–5.4 |
8 | Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator | [McQuarrie] Chapter 5.5–5.12 |
9 | The Harmonic Oscillator: Creation and Annihilation Operators | [McQuarrie] Chapter 5 [McQuarrie] Appendix [CTDL] Chapter V.B |
10 | The Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation | [McQuarrie] Chapter 4.9 |
11 | Wavepacket Dynamics for Harmonic Oscillator and PIB | [CTDL] Chapter V.F |
12 | Catch Up and Review. Postulates | [McQuarrie] Chapter 4 |
Exam #1 | [McQuarrie] Chapters 1–5, A, B | |
13 | From Hij Integrals to H Matrices I | [Field] Chapter 6.1–6.4 |
14 | From Hij Integrals to H Matrices II | [McQuarrie] Chapters 4, F, G, H |
15 | Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory I | No readings |
16 | Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory II: HO using a,a† | [McQuarrie] Chapter 6 |
17 | Rigid Rotor I. Orbital Angular Momentum | [McQuarrie] Chapters 6, E |
18 | Rigid Rotor II. Derivation by Commutation Rules | [McQuarrie] Chapter 6, Appendix [CTDL] VI.AB |
19 | Spectroscopy: Probing Molecules with Light | [McQuarrie] Chapter 8.6 Notes and Video |
Exam #2 | ||
20 | Hydrogen Atom I | [McQuarrie] Chapter 7.1–7.5 |
21 | Hydrogen Atom II. Rydberg States | Notes |
22 | Helium Atom | [McQuarrie] Chapters 7.9, 9.1–9.5, Appendix Chapter 9 |
23 | Many-Electron Atoms | [McQuarrie] Chapter 9.5–9.12 |
24 | Molecular Orbital Theory I. Variational Principle and Matrix Mechanics | [McQuarrie] Chapters 8.1–8.3, 10.1–10.4 [CTDL] XI.E |
25 | Molecular Orbital Theory II. H2+, A2, AB Diatomics | [McQuarrie] Chapter 11.1–11.5 |
26 | Qualitative MO Theory: Hückel | [McQuarrie] Chapter 11.6–11.8 |
27 | Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory III | [Field] Chapter 4.1–4.3 |
28 | Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Basis Sets | Notes [McQuarrie] Chapter 12 |
29 | Modern Electronic Structure Theory: Electronic Correlation | Notes [McQuarrie] Chapter 12 |
30 | Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory I. H is Time-Independent, Zewail Wavepacket | [Field] Chapters 6 and 8 |
Exam #3 | [McQuarrie] Chapters 7–11 | |
31 | Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory II. H is Time-Dependent: Two-Level Problem | [CTDL] pp. 403–415, 417–419, 424–429, 443–449 |
32 | Intermolecular Interactions by Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory | [CTDL] pp. 1130–1140 |
33 | Electronic Spectroscopy: Franck-Condon | [Field] Chapters 6.4, 8 |
34 | Chirped Pulse Microwave: Free Induction Decay, Bloch Visualization | Notes [CTDL] pp. 424–429 |
35 | δ-Functions, Eigenfunctions of X, Discrete Variable Representation | Notes [CTDL] pp. 1468–1479 |
36 | Time Dependence of Two-Level Systems: Density Matrix, Rotating Wave Approximation | |
Final Exam |