All student presentations are courtesy of the students named and used with permission. These presentations are given during the listed sessions in the table below.
8 | Kulesa, P., M. Bronner - Fraser, and S. Fraser. "In Ovo Time- Lapse Analysis After Dorsal Neural Tube Ablation Shows Rerouting of Chick Hindbrain Neural Crest." Development 127 (2002): 2843-2852. | Diandra Lucia (PDF) |
9 | Cheng, L., A. Arata, R. Mizuguchi, Y. Qian, A. Karunaratne, P. A. Gray, S. Arata, S. Shirasawa, M. Bouchard, P. Luo, C. Chen, M. Busslinger, M. Goulding, H. Onimaru, and Q. Ma. "Tlx3 and Tlx1 are Post - mitotic Selector Genes Determining Glutamatergic Over GABAergic Cell Fates." Nature Neuroscience 7 (2004): 510-517. Belliveau, M. J., and C. L. Cepko. "Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors Control the Genesis of Amacrine and Cone Cells in the Rat Retina." Development 126 (1999): 555-566. | |
11 | Shen, Q., W. Zhong, Y. N. Jan, and S. Temple. "Asymmetric Numb Distribution is Critical for Asymmetric Cell Division of Mouse Cerebral Cortical Stem Cells and Neuroblasts." Development 129 (2002): 4843-4853. | Tony Walters (PDF) |
13 | Piper, M., S. Salih, C. Weinl, C. E. Holt, and W. A. Harris. "Endocytosis -Dependent Desensitization and Protein Synthesis - Dependent Resensitization in Retinal Growth Cone Adaptation." Nature Neuroscience (January 9, 2005). | Tom Davidson (PDF) |
15 | Putz, U., C. Harwell, et al. "Soluble CPG15 Expressed During Early Development Rescues Cortical Progenitors from Apoptosis." Nature Neuroscience 8, no. 3 (2005): 322-31. Blaschke, A. J., K. Staley, et al. "Widespread Programmed Cell Death in Proliferative and Postmitotic Regions of the Fetal Cerebral Cortex." Development 122, no. 4 (1996): 1165-74. | Lauren LeBon (PDF) Jonathan Reinharth (PDF) |