Lec # | Topics |
1 | Introduction to the Visual System and Organization of the Retina: Anatomy and physiology of the retina, ganglion-cell receptive field organization, pre-ganglionic elements |
2 | A. The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus: Laminar organization of the LGN, receptive field properties of single cells B. The Striate Cortex: Striate cortex receptive field organization, cytoarchitecture, modular organization, imaging |
3 | Extrastriate Areas: Specificity of areas, single-cell receptive field properties, topography, imaging, functional and anatomical connections |
4 | The ON and OFF Channels and Brightness Perception: The ON and OFF channels and their function in vision |
5 | The Midget and Parasol Systems: Characteristics, connections and functions of the midget and parasol systems |
6 | Color Vision and Adaptation: The processing of wavelength information in the visual system, perception at isoluminance Adaptation phenomena and the neural mechanisms of visual adaptation |
7 | Eye Movement Control, Subcortical Structures: Codes for the generation of visually guided eye movements, the role of excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms in eye movement generation |
8 | Eye Movement Control, Cortical Structures: Parallel pathways for the control of visually guided eye movements, functions of cortical areas in eye-movement generation |
9 | Motion Perception and Smooth-pursuit Eye Movements: Motion processing in cortical and subcortical visual structures Pursuit eye movements |
10 | Depth Perception: Depth perception and underlying neural mechanisms |
11 | Pattern Perception: Pattern perception, underlying neural mechanisms and the significance of topographic organization Review of the course |
12 | Visual Illusions: What illusions can convey about how the brain processes visual information and what we know about the brain that can explain some illusions |
13 | Visual Prosthesis: Assessment of the research on visual prosthesis and discussion of the major tasks involved in making a visual prosthetic feasible |