The textbook readings are in Gleitman, Henry, Alan J. Fridlund, and Daniel Reisberg. Psychology. 6th ed. New York, NY: Norton, 2004. ISBN: 0393977676.
1 | The Brain: Between the Ears, Behind the Eyes | Chapters 1 and 2 | Kettlewell, Julianna. "'Fidelity gene' found in voles." BBC News, Science/Nature (June 16, 2004). Online edition. Balaban, Evan. "Why voles stick together." Nature 429 (2004): 711-712. McIlroy, Anne. "Could voles help create the perfect husband? Using genetic manipulation, U.S. researchers find a way to make philandering creatures more faithful." The Globe and Mail (June 17, 2004). Online edition. |
2 | Motivation and Emotion: "Reason Alone Cannot Move Us To Do Anything" | Chapter 3 | Calder, Andrew J., Andrew D. Lawrence, and Andrew W. Young. "Neuropsychology of fear and loathing." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2, no. 5 (2001): 352-363. |
3 | Learning: The Power of Association | Chapter 4 | Dingfelder, Sadie F. "Pavlovian Psychopharmacology." Monitor on Psychology 35, no. 3 (2004): 18-19. McDonald, Robert V., and Shepard Siegel. "Intra-Administration Associations and Withdrawal Symptoms: Morphine-Elicited Morphine Withdrawal." Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 12, no. 1 (2004): 3-11. Siegel, Shepard, and Barbara M. C. Ramos. "Applying Laboratory Research: Drug Anticipation and the Treatment of Drug Addiction." Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 10, no. 3 (2002): 162-183. |
4 | Sensing: Gathering the Information | Kitaoka, Akiyoshi, and Hiroshi Ashida. "Phenomenal Characteristics of the Peripheral Drift Illusion." Vision 15, no. 4 (2003): 261-262. | |
5 | Attending: Limiting the Information | Chapter 5 | Wolfe, Jeremy M., and Todd S. Horowitz. "What attributes guide the deployment of visual attention and how do they do it?" Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5, no. 6 (2004): 495-501. |
6 | Perceiving: Interpreting the Information | Chapter 6 | Ernst, Marc O., and Heinrich H. Bulthoff. "Merging the senses into a robust percept." Trends in Cognitive Science 8, no. 4 (2004): 162-169. Freeman, William T. "The generic viewpoint assumption in a framework for visual perception." Nature 368, no. 6471 (1994): 542-545. Kersten, Daniel, and Alan Yuilley. "Bayesian models of object perception." Current Opinion in Neurobiology 13, no. 2 (2003): 150-158. Brainard, David H., and William T. Freeman. "Bayesian color constancy." Journal of the Optical Society of America A 14, no. 7 (1997): 1393-1411. |
7 | Memory: What Do You Remember? | Chapter 7 | Debiec, Jacek, Joseph E. LeDoux, and Karim Nader. "Cellular and Systems Reconsolidation in the Hippocampus." Neuron 36 (2002): 527-538. Kandel, Eric R. "The molecular biology of memory storage: a dialog between genes and synapses." Nobel Lecture, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A., December 8, 2000. Pillemer, David B., and Lynn R. Goldsmith. "Very Long-Term Memories of the First Year in College." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 14, no. 4 (1988): 709-715. Slotnick, Scott D., and Daniel L. Schacter. "A sensory signature that distinguishes true from false memories." Nature Neuroscience 7, no. 6 (2004): 664-672. |
8 | Cognition: How Do You Think? | Chapter 8 | Wegner, Daniel M., and Thalia Wheatley. "Apparent Mental Causation." American Psychologist 54, no. 7 (1999): 480-492. Wegner, Daniel M. "Ironic Processes of Mental Control." Psychological Review 101, no. 1 (1994): 34-52. |
9 | Cognitive Development: How Do Children Think? | Chapter 12 | |
10 | Language: What Do You Say? | Hauser, Marc D., Noam Chomsky, and W. Tecumseh Fitch. "The Faculty of Language: What Is It, Who Has It, and How Did It Evolve?" Science 298 (2002): 1569-1579. Fitch, W. Tecumseh, and Marc D. Hauser. "Computational Constraints on Syntactic Processing in a Nonhuman Primate." Science 303 (2004): 377-380. | |
11 | Language Development: What Do Children Say? | Chapter 9 | |
12 | Intelligence: How Do We Know You Are Smart? | Chapter 14 | Duncan, John, et al. "A Neural Basis for General Intelligence." Science 289 (2000): 457-460. Flynn, J. R. "The Flynn Effect: Rethinking intelligence and what affects it." 2004. Unpublished manuscript. |
13 | The Battle of the Sexes: Love and Evolution | Chapter 10 | |
14 | Social Exchange: Romantic Economics | Chapter 11 | Baumeister, R. F., and K. D. Vohs. "Sexual economics: Sex as female resource for social exchange in heterosexual interactions." Personality and Social Psychology Review. (In press) Buss, David M. "Human Mating Strategies." Samfundsokonomen 4 (2002): 47-58. |
15 | Attitudes and Behaviors: How Can We Be Controlled? | ||
16 | Who Are You? The Psychology of the Self | Chapter 15 | |
17 | From Dissociation To Repression | ||
18 | Freud and Fairy Tales | Chapter 13 | Crick, Francis, and Christof Koch. "A framework for consciousness." Nature Neuroscience 6, no. 2 (2003): 119-126. |
19 | Sleep and Dreams | Western, Drew. "The Scientific Legacy of Sigmund Freud: Toward a Psychodynamically Informed Psychological Science." Psychological Bulletin 124, no. 3 (1998): 333-371. | |
20 | Defining Mental Illness: Are Suicide Bombers Insane? | Chapter 16 | |
21 | Causing Mental Illness: What Can Make You "Lose" Your Mind? | ||
22 | Successful Disasters: Eating Disorders | Chapter 17 | Mednick, Sara, Ken Nakayama, and Robert Stickgold. "Sleep-dependent learning: a nap is as good as a night." Nature Neuroscience 6, no. 7 (2003): 697-698. Maquet, Pierre, and Perrine Ruby. "Insight and the sleep committee." Nature 427 (2004): 304-305. Wagner, Ullrich, Steffen Gais, Hilde Haider, Rolf Verleger, and Jan Born. "Sleep inspires insight." Nature 427 (2004): 352-355. Stickgold, Robert, April Malia, Denise Maguire, David Roddenberry, and Margaret O'Connor. "Replaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics." Science 290 (2000): 350-353. |
23 | Successful Disasters: Date Rape |