The selected lecture notes linked below are from the Fall 2003 version of this course. The lecture notes were created by Prof. King unless otherwise noted.
Introduction to the Protein Folding Problem (PDF)
Retrieving and Viewing Protein Structures from the Protein Data Base (PDF - 3.0MB) (Courtesy of Prof. David Gossard)
Packing of Secondary Structures I (PDF)
Packing of Secondary Structures II (PDF - 1.2MB)
Coiled Coils (PDF) (Courtesy of Prof. David Gossard)
Tropomyosin and S-peptide (PDF)
S-peptide Helical Folding (PDF)
Detecting Partially Folded Intermediates (PDF)
Cytochrome C Refolding Pathway (PDF)
Collagen Structure and Folding In Vivo (PDF) (Courtesy of Prof. David Gossard)
Ribosomes and In Vivo Folding (PDF)