This table includes the two required readings for each week, as well as the suggested reading list.
1 | Introduction | No Readings. |
2 | Visualization of angiogenic sprouting | Paper 1Leung, D. W., G. Cachianes, W. J. Kuang, D. V. Goeddel, and N. Ferrara. "Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor is a Secreted Angiogenic Mitogen." Science 246, no. 4935 (December 8, 1989): 1306-9. Paper 2Gerhardt, H., M. Golding, M. Fruttiger, C. Ruhrberg, A. Lundkvist, A. Abramsson, M. Jeltsch, C. Mitchell, K. Alitalo, D. Shima, and C. Betsholtz. "VEGF Guides Angiogenic Sprouting Utilizing Endothelial Tip Cell Filopodia." J Cell Biol 161, no. 6 (June 23, 2003): 1163-77. |
3 | Lessons from transgenic mice | Paper 1Carmeliet, P., V. Ferreira, G. Breier, S. Pollefeyt, L. Kieckens, M. Gertsenstein, M. Fahrig, A. Vandenhoeck, K. Harpal, C. Eberhardt, C. Declercq, J. Pawling, L. Moons, D. Collen, W. Risau, and A. Nagy. "Abnormal Blood Vessel Development and Lethality in Embryos Lacking a Single VEGF Allele." Nature 380, no. 6573 (April 4, 1996): 435-9. Paper 2Gerety, S. S., and D. J. Anderson. "Cardiovascular EphrinB2 Function is Essential for Embryonic Angiogenesis." Development 129, no. 6 (March, 2002): 1397-410. |
4 | Intravital imaging of zebrafish | Paper 1Kamei, M., W. B. Saunders, K. J. Bayless, L. Dye, G. E. Davis, and B. M. Weinstein. "Endothelial Tubes Assemble from Intracellular Vacuoles In Vivo." Nature 442, no. 7101 (July 27, 2006): 453-6. Paper 2Blum, Y., H. G. Belting, E. Ellertsdottir, L. Herwig, F. Lüders, and M. Affolter. "Complex Cell Rearrangements During Intersegmental Vessel Sprouting and Vessel Fusion in the Zebrafish Embryo." Dev Biol 316, no. 2 (April 15, 2008): 312-22. |
5 | The importance of pericytes and smooth muscle cells | Paper 1Uemura, A., M. Ogawa, M. Hirashima, T. Fujiwara, S. Koyama, H. Takagi, Y. Honda, S. J. Wiegand, G. D. Yancopoulos, and S. Nishikawa. "Recombinant Angiopoietin-1 Restores Higher-Order Architecture of Growing Blood Vessels in Mice in the Absence of Mural Cells." J Clin Invest 110, no. 11 (December, 2002): 1619-28. Paper 2Abraham, S., N. Kogata, R. Fässler, and R. H. Adams. "Integrin β1 Subunit Controls Mural Cell Adhesion, Spreading, and Blood Vessel Wall Stability." Circ Res 102, no. 5 (March 14, 2008): 562-70. |
6 | Angiogenesis in disease and medicine | Paper 1Gragoudas, E. S., A. P. Adamis, E. T. Cunningham, Jr., M. Feinsod, and D. R. Guyer. "VEGF Inhibition Study in Ocular Neovascularization Clinical Trial Group." N Engl J Med 351, no. 27 (December 30, 2004): 2805-16. (PDF)# Paper 2Hammes, H. P., J. Lin, O. Renner, M. Shani, A. Lundqvist, C. Betsholtz, M. Brownlee, and U. Deutsch. "Pericytes and the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Retinopathy." Diabetes 51, no. 10 (October, 2002): 3107-12. |
7 | Tumor angiogenesis – a historical perspective | Paper 1Folkman, J., E. Merler, C. Abernathy, and G. Williams. "Isolation of a Tumor Factor Responsible for Angiogenesis." J Exp Med 133, no. 2 (February 1, 1971): 275-88. Paper 2Stoletov, K., V. Montel, R. D. Lester, S. L. Gonias, and R. Klemke. "High-Resolution Imaging of the Dynamic Tumor Cell Vascular Interface in Transparent Zebrafish." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104, no. 44 (October 30, 2007): 17406-11. |
8 | Cutting cancer's supply lines: Targeting the VEGF pathway | Paper 1Willett, C. G., Y. Boucher, E. Tomaso di., D. G. Duda, L. L. Munn, R. T. Tong, D. C. Chung, D. V. Sahani, S. P. Kalva, S. V. Kozin, M. Mino, K.S. Cohen, D. T. Scadden, A. C. Hartford, A. J. Fischman, J. W.Clark, D. P. Ryan, A. X. Zhu, L. S. Blaszkowsky, H. K. Chen, P. C. Shellito, G. Y. Lauwers, and R. K. Jain. "Direct Evidence that the VEGF-Specific Antibody Bevacizumab has Antivascular Effects in Human Rectal Cancer." Nat Med 10, no. 2 (February, 2004): 145-7. Paper 2Winkler, F., S. V. Kozin, R. T. Tong, S. S. Chae, M. F. Booth, I. Garkavtsev, L. Xu, D. J. Hicklin, D. Fukumura, E. Tomaso di., L. L. Munn, and R. K. Jain. "Kinetics of Vascular Normalization by VEGFR2 Blockade Governs Brain Tumor Response to Radiation: Role of Oxygenation, Angiopoietin-1, and Matrix Metalloproteinases." Cancer Cell 6, no. 6 (December, 2004): 553-63. |
9 | Cutting cancer's supply lines: The example of the angiostatin | Paper 1O'Reilly, M. S., L. Holmgren, Y. Shing, C. Chen, R. A. Rosenthal, M. Moses, W. S. Lane, Y. Cao, E. H. Sage, and J. Folkman. "Angiostatin: A Novel Angiogenesis Inhibitor that Mediates the Suppression of Metastases by a Lewis Lung Carcinoma." Cell 79, no. 2 (October 21, 1994): 315-28. Paper 2Mauceri, H. J., N. N. Hanna, M. A. Beckett, D. H. Gorski, M. J. Staba, K. A. Stellato, K. Bigelow, R. Heimann, S. Gately, M. Dhanabal, G. A. Soff, V. P. Sukhatme, D. W. Kufe, and R. R. Weichselbaum. "Combined Effects of Angiostatin and Ionizing Radiation in Antitumour Therapy." Nature 394, no. 6690 (July 16, 1998): 287-91. |
10 | How can anti-angiogenic therapies stimulate rather than inhibit tumor growth and spreading? | Paper 1Pàez-Ribes, M., E. Allen, J. Hudock, T. Takeda, H. Okuyama, F. Viñals, M. Inoue, G. Bergers, D. Hanahan, and O. Casanovas. "Antiangiogenic Therapy Elicits Malignant Progression of Tumors to Increased Local Invasion and Distant Metastasis." Cancer Cell 15, no. 3 (March 3, 2009): 220-31. Paper 2Reynolds, A. R., I. R. Hart, A. R. Watson, J. C. Welti, R. G. Silva, S. D. Robinson, G. Da Violante, M. Gourlaouen, M. Salih, M. C. Jones, D. T. Jones, G. Saunders, V. Kostourou, F. Perron-Sierra, J. C. Norman, G. C. Tucker, and K. M. Hodivala-Dilke. "Stimulation of Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis by Low Concentrations of RGD-Mimetic Integrin Inhibitors." Nat Med 15, no. 4 (April, 2009): 392-400. Paper 3Weller, M., D. Reardon, B. Nabors, R. Stupp. "Will Integrin Inhibitors Have Proangiogenic Effects in the Clinic?" Nat Med 15, no. 7 (July, 2009): 726; author reply 727. |
11 | Field trip | No Readings. |
12 | Serendipity! | Paper 1Ingber, D., T. Fujita, S. Kishimoto, K. Sudo, T. Kanamaru, H. Brem, and J. Folkman. "Synthetic Analogues of Fumagillin that Inhibit Angiogenesis and Suppress Tumour Growth." Nature 348, no. 6301 (December 6, 1990): 555-7. Paper 2D'Amato, R. J., M. S. Loughnan, E. Flynn, and J. Folkman. "Thalidomide is an Inhibitor of Angiogenesis." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91, no. 9 (April 26, 1994): 4082-5. |
13 | Oral presentations | No Readings. |
Suggested Reading
Carmeliet, P. "Angiogenesis in Health and Disease." Nature Medicine 9, no. 6 (June, 2003): 653-60.
Gaengel, K., G. Genové, A. Armulik, and C. Betsholtz. "Endothelial-Mural Cell Signaling in Vascular Development and Angiogenesis." Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 29 (2009): 630-8.
Motiejunaite, R., and A. Kazlauskas. "Pericytes and Ocular Diseases." Experimental Eye Research 86 (2008): 171-7.
Ferrara, N., and R. S. Kerbel. "Angiogenesis as a Therapeutic Target." Nature 438 (December 15, 2005): 967-74.
Ribatti, D. "The History of Angiogenesis Inhibitors." Leukemia 21 (2007): 1606–9.
Neri, D., and R. Bicknell. "Tumour Vascular Targeting." Nature Reviews Cancer, no. 5 (June, 2005): 436-46.
Kerbel, R. S. "Tumor Angiogenesis." N Engl J Med 358 (2008): 2039-49.
Jain, R. K. "Normalization of Tumor Vasculature: An Emerging Concept in Antiangiogenic Therapy." Science 307 (January 7, 2005): 58-62.
Ma, J., and D. J. Waxman. "Combination of Antiangiogenesis with Chemotherapy for More Effective Cancer Treatment." Mol Cancer Ther 7, no. 12 (December, 2008): 3670-84.