For each reading listed below, each student will be expected to be able to provide explanations to a set of questions handed out at the start of the course (PDF)
1 | Introduction to bacterial stress response | |
2 | Bleaching in cyanobacteria | Schwarz, R., and A. R. Grossman. "A Response Regulator of Cyanobacteria Integrates Diverse Environmental Signals and is Critical for Survival under Extreme Conditions." Proc Natl Acad Sci 95 (1998): 11008-11013. Aldehni, M. F., J. Sauer, C. Spielhaupter, R. Schmid, and K. Forchhammer. "Signal Transduction Protein P(II) is required for NtcA-regulated Gene Expression during Nitrogen Deprivation in the Cyanobacterium Synechococcus Elongatus Strain PCC 7942." J Bacteriol 185 (2003): 2582-2591. |
3 | Down in the deep blue: thriving in deep-sea vents | Beatty, J. T., J. Overmann, M. T. Lince, A. K. Manske, A. S. Lang, R. E. Blankenship, C. L. Van Dover, T. A. Martinson, F. G. Plumley. "An Obligately Photosynthetic Bacterial Anaerobe from a Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent." Proc Natl Acad Sci 102 (2005): 9306-9310. Nakagawa, S., Y. Takaki, S. Shimamura, A. L. Reysenbach, K. Takai, and K. Horikoshi. "Deep-sea Vent Epsilon-proteobacterial Genomes provide Insights into Emergence of Pathogens." Proc Natl Acad Sci 121 (2007): 12146-12150. |
4 | Cleaning up the Earth: bacteria and toxic chromium pollutants | Ackerley, D. F., Y. Barak, S. V. Lynch, J. Curtin, and A. Matin. "Effect of Chromate Stress on Escherichia Coli K-12." J Bacteriol 188 (2006): 3371-3381. Chourey, K., M. R. Thompson, J. Morrell-Falvey, N. C. Verberkmoes, S. D. Brown, M. Shah, J. Zhou, M. Doktycz, R. L. Hettich, and D. K. Thompson. "Global Molecular and Morphological Effects of 24-hour Chromium (VI) Exposure on Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1." Appl Environ Microbiol 72 (2006): 6331-6344. |
5 | Plants as pals in survival | Davies, B. W., and G. C. Walker. "A Highly Conserved Protein of Unknown Function is Required by Sinorhizobium Meliloti for Symbiosis and Environmental Stress Protection." J Bacteriol 190 (2008): 1118-1123. Gourion, B., A. Francez-Charlot, and J. A. Vorholt. "PhyR is Involved in the General Stress Response of Methylobacterium Extorquens AM1." J Bacteriol 190 (2008): 1027-1035. |
6 | What's for dinner? Stress responses and food | Price, S. B., J. C. Wright, F. J. DeGraves, M. P. Castanie-Cornet, and J. W. Foster. "Acid Resistance Systems Required for Survival of Escherichia Coli O157:H7 in the Bovine Gastrointestinal Tract and in Apple Cider are Different." Appl Environ Microbiol 70 (2004): 4792-4799. Hüfner, E., T. Markieton, S. Chaillou, A. M. Crutz-Le Coq, M. Zagorec, and C. Hertel. "Identification of Lactobacillus Sakei Genes Induced during Meat Fermentation and their Role in Survival and Growth." Appl Environ Microbiol 73 (2007): 2522-2531. |
7 | Sticking together: biofilms | Shrout, J. D., D. L. Chopp, C. L. Just, M. Hentzer, M. Givskov, and M. R. Parsek. "The Impact of Quorum Sensing and Swarming Motility on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Biofilm formation is Nutritionally Conditional." Mol Microbiol 62 (2006): 1264-1277. Viswanathan, P., M. Singer, and L. Kroos. "Role of Sigma-D in Regulating Genes and Signals during Myxococcus Xanthus Development." J Bacteriol 188 (2006): 3246-3256. |
8 | Combating reactive oxygen species and establishing infection | Wang, G., Y. Hong, A. Olczak, S. E. Maier, and R. J. Maier. "Dual Roles of Helicobacter pylori NapA in Inducing and Combating Oxidative Stress." Infect Immun 74 (2006): 6839-6846. De Groote, M. A., U. A. Ochsner, M. U. Shiloh, C. Nathan, J. M. McCord, M. C. Dinauer, S. J. Libby, A. Vazquez-Torres, Y. Xu, and F. C. Fang. "Periplasmic Superoxide Dismutase Protects Salmonella from Products of Phagocyte NADPH-oxidase and Nitric Oxide Synthase." Proc Natl Acad Sci 94 (1997): 13997-14001. |
9 | When viruses attack: phage shock response | Brissette, J. L., M. Russel, L. Weiner, and P. Model. "Phage Shock Protein, a Stress Protein of Escherichia Coli." Proc Natl Acad Sci 87 (1990): 862-866. Jovanovic, G., L. J. Lloyd, M. P. Stumpf, A. J. Mayhew, and M. Buck. "Induction and Function of the Phage Shock Protein Extracytoplasmic Stress Response in Escherichia Coli." J Biol Chem 281 (2006): 21147-21161. |
10 | Tug-of-war for Iron: bacterial mechanisms for evading host innate immunity and other bacterial species in order to acquire iron | Fischbach, M. A., H. Lin, L. Zhou, Y. Yu, R. J. Abergel, D. R. Liu, K. N. Raymond, B. L. Wanner, R. K. Strong, C. T. Walsh, A. Aderem, and K. D. Smith. "The Pathogen-associated iroA gene Cluster Mediates Bacterial Evasion of Lipocalin 2." Proc Natl Acad Sci 103 (2006): 16502-16507. Semenova, E., Y. Yuzenkova, J. Peduzzi, S. Rebuffat, and K. Severinov. "Structure-activity Analysis of MicrocinJ25: Distinct Parts of the Threaded Lasso Molecule are Responsible for Interaction with Bacterial RNA Polymerase." J Bacteriol 187 (2005): 3859-3863. |
11 | Living well in freezing weather | Muryoi, N., M. Sato, S. Kaneko, K. Kawahara, H. Obata, M. W. Yaish, M. Griffith, B. R. Glick. "Cloning and Expression of afpA, a Gene Encoding an Antifreeze Protein from the Arctic Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacterium Pseudomonas Putida GR12-2." J Bacteriol 186 (2004): 5661-5671. Yoshimune, K., A. Galkin, L. Kulakova, T. Yoshimura, N. Esaki. "Cold-active DnaK of an Antarctic Psychrotroph Shewanella sp. Ac10 Supporting the Growth of DnaK-null Mutant of Escherichia Coli at Cold Temperatures." Extremophiles 9 (2005): 145-150. |
12 | Raman spectroscopy for evaluation of bacterial survival | Wu, Q., W. H. Nelson, S. Elliot, J. F. Sperry, M. Feld, R. Dasari, and R. Manoharan. "Intensities of E Coli Nucleic Acid Raman Spectra Excited Selectively from Whole Cells with 251-nm Light." Anal Chem 72 (2000): 2981-2986. Jorge Villar, S. E., H. G. M. Edwards, and L. G. Benning. "Raman Spectroscopic and Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of a Novel Biological Colonisation of Volcanic Rocks." Icarus 184 (2006): 158-169. |
13 | Various stress responses of Deinococcus | Makarova, K. S., et al. "Deinococcus Geothermalis: The Pool of Extreme Radiation Resistance Genes Shrinks." PLoS ONE 2 (2007): e955. Liu, Y., et al. "Transcriptome Dynamics of Deinococcus Radiodurans Recovering from Ionizing Radiation." Proc Natl Acad Sci 100 (2003): 4191-4196. |
14 | Oral presentations |