1 | Introduction and Course Overview | No Readings |
2 | In the Beginning: Ribosomes and Ribosomal RNA | Palade, G. E. "A Small Particulate Component of the Cytoplasm." Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology 1, no. 1 (1954): 59–68. Palade, G. E., and Siekevitz P. "Liver Microsomes: An Integrated Morphological and Biochemical Study." Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology 2, no. 2 (1956): 171–200. |
3 | Careful Measuring of Unhealthy Amounts of Radioactivity: A Role for tRNAs in Polypeptide Synthesis | Hoagland, M.B., M. L. Stephenson, et al. Presnyak, V., Alhusaini N., et al. "Codon Optimality is a Major Determinant of mRNA Stability." Cell 160, no. 6 (2015): 1111–24. |
4 | mRNA as an Information Shuttle | Astrachan, L., and E. Volkin. "Properties of Ribonucleic Acid Turnover in T2-Infected Escherichia Coli." Biochemica et Biophysica Acta 29, no. 3 (1958): 536–44. S., Brenner, F. Jacob, et al. "An Unstable Intermediate Carrying Information from Genes to Ribosomes for Protein Synthesis." Nature 190 (1961): 576–81. |
5 | The Genomics Revolution: An Introduction to High-throughput Sequencing | Mortazavi, A., B. A. Williams, et al. "Mapping and Quantifying Mammalian Transcriptomes by RNA-Seq." Nature Methods 5, no. 7 (2008): 621–8. Y., Wan, K. Qu, et al. "Genome-wide Measurement of RNA Folding Energies." Molecular Cell 48, no. 2 (2012): 169–81. |
6 | Let's Mix it up: SnRNAs and Pre-mRNA Splicing | Lerner, M. R., and J. A. Steitz. Jia, Y., J. C. Mu, et al. "Mutation of a U2 SnRNA Gene Causes Global Disruption of Alternative Splicing and Neurodegeneration." Cell 148, no. 1–2 (2012): 296–308. |
7 | Let it Sno: Ribosomal RNA Modification Directed by SnoRNAs | Ganot, P., M. L. Bortolin, et al. "Site-specific Pseudouridine Formation in Preribosomal RNA is Guided by Small Nucleolar RNAs." Cell 89, no. 5 (1997): 799–809. Jack, K., C. Bellodi, et al. "rRNA Pseudouridylation Defects Affect Ribosomal Ligand Binding and Translational Fidelity from Yeast to Human Cells." Molecular Cell 44, no. 4 (2011): 660–6. |
8 | Small is Beautiful: MicroRNAs as Ubiquitous Regulatory Molecules | Lee, R. C., Feinbaum R. L., et al. "The C. Elegans Heterochronic Gene Lin-4 Encodes Small RNAs with Antisense Complementarity to Lin-14." Cell 75, (1993): 843–54. D., Lauressergues, J. M. Couzigou, et al. "Primary Transcripts of MicroRNAs Encode Regulatory Peptides." Nature 520, no. 7545 (2015): 90–3. |
9 | Running Interference: SiRNA as an Experimental Tool | A., Fire, S. Xu, et al. "Potent and Specific Genetic Interference by Double-Stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis Elegans." Nature 391, no. 6669 (1998): 806–11. G., Hu, J. Kim, et al. "A Genome-wide SiRNA Screen Identifies a New Transcriptional Module Required for Self-Renewal." Genes and Development 23, no. 7 (2009): 837–48. |
10 | Protecting us from Ourselves: PiRNAs Silence Transposons in Germline Tissue | Brennecke, J., A. A. Aravin, et al. "Discrete Small RNA-Generating Loci as Master Regulators of Transposon Activity in Drosophila." Cell 128, no. 6 (2007): 1089–103. C., Klattenhoff, H. Xi, et al. "The Drosophila HP1 Homolog Rhino is Required for Transposon Silencing and PiRNA Production by Dual-Strand Clusters." Cell 138, no. 6 (2009): 1137–49. |
11 | Who Needs Proteins?: Long Noncoding RNAs as Regulators of Gene Expression | Chaumeil, J., P. L. Baccon, et al. "A Novel Role for Xist RNA in the Formation of a Repressive Nuclear Compartment into Which Genes are Recruited When Silenced." Genes and Development 20, no. 16 (2006): 2223–37. C. A., Klattenhoff, J. C. Scheuermann, et al. "Braveheart, A Long Noncoding RNA Required for Cardiovascular Lineage Commitment." Cell 152, no. 3 (2013): 570–83. |
12 | No End in Sight: Circular RNAs and their (possible) Functions | J., Salzman, C. Gawad, et al. "Circular RNAs are the Predominant Transcript Isoform from Hundreds of Human Genes in Diverse Cell Types." PLOS One 7, no. 2 (2012): e30733. S., Memczak, M. Jens, et al. "Circular RNAs are a Large Class of Animal RNAs with Regulatory Potency." Nature 495, no. 7441 (2013): 333–8. |
13 | A New Hope: CRISPR-Associated RNAs, Prokaryotic Defense Mechanisms, have been Transformed into a Tool for Genome Editing | L. Cong, F. A. Ran, et al. "Multiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas Systems." Science 339, no. 6121 (2013): 819–22. T., Hart, M. Chandrashekhar, et al. "High–Resolution CRISPR Screens Reveal Fitness Genes and Genotype-Specific Cancer Liabilities." Cell 163, no. 6 (2015): 1515–26. |
14 | Oral Presentations and Course Discussion | No Readings |