1 | Introduction and course overview | |
2 | X chromosome genetics: Flies were first on the scene | Paper 1Morgan, T. H. "Sex Limited Inheritance in Drosophila." Science 32 (1910): 120-122. ( Paper 2Sturtevant, A. H. "The Linear Arrangement of Six Sex-linked Factors in Drosophila, as Shown by Their Mode of Association." Journal of Experimental Zoology 14 (1913): 43-59. ( |
3 | Medical diseases: Sex reversal and the X | Paper 1Petit, C., A. de la Chapelle, J. Levilliers, S. Castillo, B. Noel, and J. Weissenbac. "An Abnormal Terminal X-Y Interchange Accounts for Most but not all Cases of Human XX Maleness." Cell 49 (1987): 595-602. Paper 2Brown, T. R., D. B. Lubahn, E. M. Wilson, D. R. Joseph, F. S. French, and C. J. Migeon. "Deletion of the Steroid-binding Domain of the Human Androgen Receptor Gene in One Family With Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome: Evidence for Further Genetic Heterogeneity in this Syndrome." PNAS 85 (1988): 8151-5. |
4 | Dosage compensation I: X-inactivation in mammals | Paper 1Lyon, M. F. "Gene Action in the X-Chromosome of the Mouse (Mus musculus L.)." Nature 190 (1961): 372-3. Paper 2Nguyen, D. K., and C. M. Disteche. "Dosage Compensation of the Active X Chromosome in Mammals." Nature Genetics 38 (2006): 47-53. |
5 | Dosage compensation II: X-ceptions | Paper 1Jegalian, K., and D. C. Page. "A Proposed Path by Which Genes Common to Mammalian X and Y Chromosomes Evolve to Become X Inactivated." Nature 394 (1998): 776-80. Paper 2Huynh, K. D., and J. T. Lee. "Inheritance of a Pre-inactivated Paternal X Chromosome in Early Mouse Embryos." Nature 426 (2003): 857-62. |
6 | Dosage compensation III: Doubling and spreading | Paper 1Bashaw, G. J., and B. S. Baker. "The Regulation of the Drosophila msl-2 Gene Reveals a Function for Sex-lethal in Translational Control." Cell 89 (1997): 789-98. Paper 2Kelley, R. L., V. H. Meller, P. R. Gordadze, G. Roman, R. L. Davis, and M. I. Kuroda. "Epigenetic Spreading of the Drosophila Dosage Compensation Complex from roX RNA Genes into Flanking Chromatin." Cell 98 (1999): 513-22. |
7 | Dosage compensation IV: Half and half in worms | Paper 1Meyer, B. J., and L. P. Casson. "Caenorhabditis Elegans Compensates for the Difference in X Chromosome Dosage Between the Sexes by Regulating Transcript Levels." Cell 47 (1986): 871-81. Paper 2Csankovszki, G., P. McDonel, and B. J. Meyer. "Recruitment and Spreading of the C. Elegans Dosage Compensation Complex Along X Chromosomes." Science 303 (2004): 1182-5. |
8 | A highly conserved chromosome | Paper 1Ross, M. T., et al. "The DNA Sequence of the Human X Chromosome." Nature 434 (2005): 325-37. Paper 2Emerson, J. J., H. Kaessmann, E. Betran, and M. Long. "Extensive Gene Traffic on the Mammalian X Chromosome." Science 303 (2004): 537-40. |
9 | Gene content: A "sexy" X | Paper 1Wang, P. J., J. R. McCarrey, F. Yang, and D. C. Page. "An Abundance of X-linked Genes Expressed in Spermatogonia." Nature Genetics 27 (2001): 422-6. Paper 2Sturgill, D., Y. Zhang, M. Parisi, and B. Oliver. "Demasculinization of X Chromosomes in the Drosophila Genus." Nature 450 (2007): 238-41. |
10 | Divergence of the X and Y chromosomes | Paper 1Lahn, B. T., and D. C. Page. "Four Evolutionary Strata on the Human X Chromosome." Science 286 (1999): 964-7. Paper 2Grutzner, F., W. Rens, E. Tsend-Ayush, N. El-Mogharbel, P. C. O'Brien, R. C. Jones, M. A. Ferguson-Smith, and J. A. Marshall Graves. "In the Platypus a Meiotic Chain of Ten Sex Chromosomes Shares Genes with the Bird Z and Mammal X Chromosomes." Nature 432 (2004): 913-7. |
11 | Hybrids I: Haldane's rule | Paper 1Masly, J. P., and D. C. Presgraves. "High-resolution Genome-wide Dissection of the Two Rules of Speciation in Drosophila." PLoS Biology 5 (2007): e243. Paper 2Phadnis, N., and H. A. Orr. "A Single Gene Causes Both Male Sterility and Segregation Distortion in Drosophila Hybrids." Science 323 (2009): 376-9. |
12 | Hybrids II: Are hybrids a step in the formulation of new species? | Paper 1Good, J. M., M. D. Dean, and M. W. Nachman. "A Complex Genetic Basis to X-linked Hybrid Male Sterility Between Two Species of House Mice." Genetics 179 (2008): 2213-28. Paper 2Patterson, N., D. J. Richter, S. Gnerre, E. S. Lander, and D. Reich. "Genetic Evidence for Complex Speciation of Humans and Chimpanzees." Nature 441 (2006): 1103-8. |
13 | Course summary |